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How to pass value from one action to another action having same controller

Hi I am developing an application in MVC3. and i am stuck at one place. Everytime when control goes to IIndex1 action its argument value has become 0. But it should be same as value in IIndex action argument. I have used session, ViewBag, ViewData but my problem is remains. Please suggest me.

        public ActionResult GetMDN(string msisdn)
            number = msisdn.Substring(0, msisdn.IndexOf('$'));
            if (number.ToLower() != "unknown" && number.Length == 12)
                number = number.Remove(0, 2);
            Session["msdresponse"] = number;
            Session["moptr"] = msisdn.Substring(msisdn.LastIndexOf('$') + 1);
            number = msisdn;
            int sngid=int.Parse(ViewData["isongid"].ToString());
            return RedirectToAction("IIndex1", new { iid = sngid });

        public ActionResult IIndex(int id)
            ViewBag.isongid = id;
            ViewData["isongid"] = id;
            return RedirectToAction("GetMDN");

        public ActionResult IIndex1(int iid)

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Abhay Singh Avatar asked May 15 '14 11:05

Abhay Singh

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2 Answers

You can use TempData.You can pass every types of data between to action, whether they are in same controller or not. Your code should be something like it:

    public ActionResult GetMDN(string msisdn)
        int sngid=10;

        TempData["ID"] = sngid;

        return RedirectToAction("IIndex");

    public ActionResult IIndex()

        int id = Convert.ToInt32(TempData["ID"]);// id will be 10;
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Badhon Ashfaq Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 22:11

Badhon Ashfaq

Use TempData instead of ViewData/ViewBag to store data that should persist after redirect. ViewData/ViewBag allow to pass value from controller to view.

Something to read on this subject:



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st4hoo Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 22:11
