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How to pass parameters in react-router-dom Link? [duplicate]

I have links to components-pages, for example:

<Link to="/"> Home <Link/> 

In props I have a parameter, for example userId. I need to pass it in Link. I know how to pass params in onCLick():

  pathname: '/',
  state: {
    userId: 7

How I understand in ink can be performed onClick, but may be it's possible to pass somehow params in it? Without creating onClick?

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Sam Fisher Avatar asked Apr 03 '18 08:04

Sam Fisher

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Can you pass props in link react router?

Passing props without stateWhen you pass the props through state, react router persists to the history. state which is using the history API that can be accessed in browsers through the DOM window object. The only drawback of history. state object is that it's limited to 640k characters when it's been serialised.

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1 Answers

Yes, you can pass an object to the "to" prop like this.

 <Link to={{
  pathname: '/courses',
  search: '?sort=name',
  hash: '#the-hash',
  state: { fromDashboard: true }

Check the documentation for more. https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/api/Link.

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Kris Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10
