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how to import data in react from a js file to use in components

This data is in its own .js file I want to be able to use it all over my app how can I?

   const posts = [{
          username: "lenard",
          avi: "https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/20905417_730036297205402_7461293070093385728_n.jpg",

I tried importing it into my App.js and passing it down as a prop

import posts from './data/posts'; //the js file with the data
import Posts from './components/Posts/Posts'; // the component I want to use it in
class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
            <Navigation />
            <Posts posts={posts}/>

When I try to use posts (data) in my Posts.js component I get the error posts is not defined when I try to map through it

{posts.map((item) =>

but I do not understand why its not defined if I passed it down as a prop.

like image 874
Omar Avatar asked Sep 12 '17 21:09


People also ask

How do I import data from one file to another in React?

To import a variable from another file in React:Export the variable from file A , e.g. export const str = 'hello world' . Import the variable in file B as import {str} from './another-file' .

Can we import js file in React?

React Hooks and other methods For features used across the application, we can simply add JS files to head using the <script> tag in our global index. html file.

How do you transfer data to a component?

Passing data from Child to Parent Component: For passing the data from the child component to the parent component, we have to create a callback function in the parent component and then pass the callback function to the child component as a prop. This callback function will retrieve the data from the child component.

2 Answers

You should export the posts in your js file in order to import it in other files:

export const posts = [{
      username: "lenard",
      avi: "https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/20905417_730036297205402_7461293070093385728_n.jpg",

Then you can use

import {posts} from './data/posts';

Here is a working example:

If you want to export default you will need to create the consts and then export it:

const posts = [{
      username: "lenard",
      avi: "https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/20905417_730036297205402_7461293070093385728_n.jpg"

export default posts;

And import it regularly:

import posts from './data/posts';


like image 58
Dekel Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10


Importing default export: If we export something as like export default. Use below syntax to import.


Importing named values: One module can have number of exports. If our js like that we can use below syntax to import.

import { PARA_NAME } from ADDRESS

And similarly for multiple such imports we can use a comma to seperate two parameter name within the curly braces.

Importing a combination of Default Exports and Named Values:

import GIVEN_NAME, { PARA_NAME, ... } from ADDRESS

Exporting syntaxes:-

export default GIVEN_NAME
export { PARA_NAME }

Go to below site it has a good explanation. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/reactjs-importing-exporting/

like image 30
Sasindu Lakshitha Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10

Sasindu Lakshitha