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How to pass parameter when I redirect the page in angularjs using ui router?

I am trying to pass parameters via the ui-router state.go

However, I am not sure how to pass the parameters. Here are my codes

app.config(function($stateProvider) {    
        .state('first', {
            url: '/first',
            templateUrl: 'first.html'
        .state('second', {
            url: '/second',
            templateUrl: 'second.html'

//my first.html
app.controller.('firstCtrl' ,["$scope", "$state", function($scope, $state){
    $scope.userInput <- come from user
    $scope.clickThis=function() {
        $state.go("second", $scope.userInput);


//my second.html
app.controller.('secondCtrl,["$scope", "$state", function($scope, $state){
    //How do I get the parameter that is passed to here..

I can redirect the page to second.html but I can't seem to get the parameter that is passed to my secondCtrl. Can anyone help me about it?


like image 955
FlyingCat Avatar asked Aug 14 '14 01:08


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What is UI Router in AngularJS?

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3 Answers

First you have to add parameter in route.

app.config(function($stateProvider) {    
        .state('first', {
            url: '/first',
            templateUrl: 'first.html'
        .state('second', {
            url: '/second/:id',
            templateUrl: 'second.html'

Now add in first controller

app.controller.('firstCtrl' ,["$scope", "$state", function($scope, $state){
    $scope.userInput <- come from user
    $scope.clickThis=function() {
        $state.go("second", { id: $scope.userInput });


In second controller inject $stateParams

//my second.html
app.controller.('secondCtrl',["$scope", "$state", "$stateParams", function($scope, $state, $stateParams){
    $scope.id = $stateParams.id;
like image 161
Darshan P Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Darshan P

You could do this way in the first controller:-

$state.go("second", {'input' : $scope.userInput});

In the second controller inject $stateParams service.

app.controller('secondCtrl',["$scope", "$stateParams", function($scope, $stateParams){
    var data = $stateParams.input;

and register that in your state:

  .state('second', {
        url: '/second/:input',
        templateUrl: 'second.html'
like image 37
PSL Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10


Instead of adding additional param in the url, you could do it on the other way.

.state('second', {
    url: '/second',
    templateUrl: 'second.html',
    params: {input:null}


All other changes would be same with what other answers.

like image 1
Ethan Kim Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Ethan Kim