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How to pass ctor args in Activator.CreateInstance or use IL?

I need a performance enhanced Activator.CreateInstance() and came across this article by Miron Abramson that uses a factory to create the instance in IL and then cache it. (I've included code below from Miron Abramson's site in case it somehow disappears). I'm new to IL Emit code and anything beyond Activator.CreateInstance() for instantiating a class and any help would be much appreciative.

My problem is that I need to create an instance of an object that takes a ctor with a parameter. I see there is a way to pass in the Type of the parameter, but is there a way to pass in the value of the ctor parameter as well?

If possible, I would like to use a method similar to CreateObjectFactory<T>(params object[] constructorParams) as some objects I want to instantiate may have more than 1 ctor param.

// Source: http://mironabramson.com/blog/post/2008/08/Fast-version-of-the-ActivatorCreateInstance-method-using-IL.aspx
public static class FastObjectFactory
    private static readonly Hashtable creatorCache = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
    private readonly static Type coType = typeof(CreateObject);
    public delegate object CreateObject();

    /// Create an object that will used as a 'factory' to the specified type T 
    public static CreateObject CreateObjectFactory() where T : class
        Type t = typeof(T);
        FastObjectFactory.CreateObject c = creatorCache[t] as FastObjectFactory.CreateObject;
        if (c == null)
            lock (creatorCache.SyncRoot)
                c = creatorCache[t] as FastObjectFactory.CreateObject;
                if (c != null)
                    return c;
                DynamicMethod dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("DM$OBJ_FACTORY_" + t.Name, typeof(object), null, t);
                ILGenerator ilGen = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();

                ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
                c = (CreateObject)dynMethod.CreateDelegate(coType);
                creatorCache.Add(t, c);
        return c;

Update to Miron's code from commentor on his post 2010-01-11

public static class FastObjectFactory2<T> where T : class, new()
    public static Func<T> CreateObject { get; private set; }

    static FastObjectFactory2()
        Type objType = typeof(T);
        var dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("DM$OBJ_FACTORY_" + objType.Name, objType, null, objType);
        ILGenerator ilGen = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();
        ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, objType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
        CreateObject = (Func<T>)
like image 335
thames Avatar asked Jan 07 '10 23:01


People also ask

Does activator CreateInstance call constructor?

The Activator. CreateInstance method creates an instance of a type defined in an assembly by invoking the constructor that best matches the specified arguments. If no arguments are specified then the constructor that takes no parameters, that is, the default constructor, is invoked.

What is activator CreateInstance?

CreateInstance(ActivationContext, String[]) Creates an instance of the type that is designated by the specified ActivationContext object and activated with the specified custom activation data. CreateInstance(Type) Creates an instance of the specified type using that type's parameterless constructor.

3 Answers

I've been doing a bit of testing with this and as a follow-up to Miron's original article (here), I've discovered that the .NET 4.0 Activator is much faster than before. Some results from a version of his app tweaked to show timings in milliseconds:

.NET 3.5 build

Number of iterates: 1000000
Activator.CreateInstance(Type):                           4150
Activator.CreateInstance<T>():                            1288
FastObjectFactory.CreateObjec (empty cache):                33
FastObjectFactory.CreateObjec (cache full):                 28
ItemFactory.GetNewItem:                                   1283

.NET 4.0 build

Number of iterates: 1000000
Activator.CreateInstance(Type):                            138
Activator.CreateInstance<T>():                             151
FastObjectFactory.CreateObjec (empty cache):                28
FastObjectFactory.CreateObjec (cache full):                 22
ItemFactory.GetNewItem:                                    156

However this was for a no-parameter constructor and I also noticed that the activator is still a little slow when constructors with parameters are used, as can bse seen below.

One problem I had with the original solution posted here is that I don't necessarily know the type of the objects I want at compile time - I only have a Type reference. Now (unless I'm being a duffer) that means I can't use the generic solution here or a simple variation on it.

So this is a version I've knocked together which addresses the problem. It also showed up the slight slowness in the .NET 4.0 Activator when constructor parameters are used:

// For use with no-parameter constructors. Also contains constants and utility methods
public static class FastActivator
    static Dictionary<Type, Func<object>> constructorCache = new Dictionary<Type, Func<object>>();

    private const string DynamicMethodPrefix = "DM$_FastActivator_";

    public static object CreateInstance(Type objType)
        return GetConstructor(objType)();

    public static Func<object> GetConstructor(Type objType)
        Func<object> constructor;
        if (!constructorCache.TryGetValue(objType, out constructor))
            constructor = (Func<object>)FastActivator.BuildConstructorDelegate(objType, typeof(Func<object>), new Type[] { });
            constructorCache.Add(objType, constructor);
        return constructor;

    public static object BuildConstructorDelegate(Type objType, Type delegateType, Type[] argTypes)
        var dynMethod = new DynamicMethod(DynamicMethodPrefix + objType.Name + "$" + argTypes.Length.ToString(), objType, argTypes, objType);
        ILGenerator ilGen = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();
        for (int argIdx = 0; argIdx < argTypes.Length; argIdx++)
            ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, argIdx);
        ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, objType.GetConstructor(argTypes));
        return dynMethod.CreateDelegate(delegateType);

// For use with one-parameter constructors, argument type = T1
public static class FastActivator<T1>
    static Dictionary<Type, Func<T1, object>> constructorCache = new Dictionary<Type, Func<T1, object>>();
    public static object CreateInstance(Type objType, T1 arg1)
        return GetConstructor(objType, new Type[] { typeof(T1) })(arg1);
    public static Func<T1, object> GetConstructor(Type objType, Type[] argTypes)
        Func<T1, object> constructor;
        if (!constructorCache.TryGetValue(objType, out constructor))
            constructor = (Func<T1, object>)FastActivator.BuildConstructorDelegate(objType, typeof(Func<T1, object>), argTypes);
            constructorCache.Add(objType, constructor);
        return constructor;

// For use with two-parameter constructors, argument types = T1, T2
public static class FastActivator<T1, T2>
    static Dictionary<Type, Func<T1, T2, object>> constructorCache = new Dictionary<Type, Func<T1, T2, object>>();
    public static object CreateInstance(Type objType, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
        return GetConstructor(objType, new Type[] { typeof(T1), typeof(T2) })(arg1, arg2);

    public static Func<T1, T2, object> GetConstructor(Type objType, Type[] argTypes)
        Func<T1, T2, object> constructor;
        if (!constructorCache.TryGetValue(objType, out constructor))
            constructor = (Func<T1, T2, object>)FastActivator.BuildConstructorDelegate(objType, typeof(Func<T1, T2, object>), argTypes);
            constructorCache.Add(objType, constructor);
        return constructor;

// For use with three-parameter constructors, argument types = T1, T2, T3
// NB: could possibly merge these FastActivator<T1,...> classes and avoid generic type parameters
// but would need to take care that cache entries were keyed to distinguish constructors having 
// the same number of parameters but of different types. Keep separate for now.
public static class FastActivator<T1, T2, T3>
    static Dictionary<Type, Func<T1, T2, T3, object>> constructorCache = new Dictionary<Type, Func<T1, T2, T3, object>>();
    public static object CreateInstance(Type objType, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3)
        return GetConstructor(objType, new Type[] { typeof(T1), typeof(T2), typeof(T3) })(arg1, arg2, arg3);

    public static Func<T1, T2, T3, object> GetConstructor(Type objType, Type[] argTypes)
        Func<T1, T2, T3, object> constructor;
        if (!constructorCache.TryGetValue(objType, out constructor))
            constructor = (Func<T1, T2, T3, object>)FastActivator.BuildConstructorDelegate(objType, typeof(Func<T1, T2, T3, object>), argTypes);
            constructorCache.Add(objType, constructor);
        return constructor;

Some performance results below. Note this is for creation of 1 million objects and timings in milliseconds again:

Activator.CreateInstance(objType) - parameterless constructor: 153
FastActivator.CreateInstance(objType) - parameterless constructor: 86
Using FastActivator.GetConstructor and calling it repeatedly - parameterless constructor: 34
Activator.CreateInstance(objType) with 1 constructor arg: 3183
FastActivator.CreateInstance(objType) with 1 constructor arg: 257
FastActivator.GetConstructor and calling it repeatedly with 1 constructor arg: 126
Activator.CreateInstance(objType) with 3 constructor args: 4403
FastActivator.CreateInstance(objType) with 3 constructor args: 640
FastActivator.GetConstructor and calling it repeatedly with 3 constructor args : 405
FastActivator.GetConstructor and calling it repeatedly with 3 constructor args; args created only once : 19
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David Doran Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

David Doran

I'm putting this up as the so far best performant object creation factory so far using the current (2010-01-11) answers, according to my tests. I did notice that using cache works best when iterations are somewhere below 99,999. If you are going to load more than 99,999 it is best to not use cache. Because this could be the case I've created something that would allow you to use cache or not. My current project will sometimes load millions of records and at other times only load one. Anyways, I'm putting this out there to see what your thoughts are. Note that the code below is for ctor's that have 1 arg, one would have to create a similar factory for more than 1 arg ctor.

// code updated 2010-06-01
// class that creates comment objects
public class CreatesSomeObject
    // method that creates a comment object
    public void CreateComment()

        // Method 1 (without cache)
        Comment comment1 = ObjectFactoryFactory&ltComment, ObjectId&gt
            .CreateObject.Invoke(new ObjectId());

        // Method 2 (with cache)
        Comment comment2 = ObjectFactoryFactory&ltComment, ObjectId&gt
            .CreateObjectWithCache.Invoke(new ObjectId());

        // Method 3 (without helper factory ObjectFactoryFactory)
        Comment comment3 = ObjectFactory&ltComment, ObjectId&gt
            .CreateObject.Invoke(new ObjectId());

// This is optional class. Just helps in creating objects when
// a cache is needed or not needed.
public static class ObjectFactoryFactory&ltT, P1&gt where T : class
    static Hashtable cache = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());

    public static Func&ltP1, T&gt CreateObject
        get { return ObjectFactory&ltT, P1&gt.CreateObject; }

    public static Func&ltP1, T&gt CreateObjectWithCache
            return ObjectFactory&ltT, P1&gt.UseCache(cache);

// Main object creation factory class.
public static class ObjectFactory&ltT, P1&gt where T : class

    static Func&ltP1, T&gt _createObject;

    public static Func&ltP1, T&gt CreateObject
            if (_createObject != null) return _createObject;
            _createObject = CreateDelegate();
            return _createObject;

    static Func&ltP1, T&gt CreateDelegate()
        Type objType = typeof(T);
        Type[] types = new[] { typeof(P1) };
        var dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("DM$OBJ_FACTORY_" + 
            objType.Name, objType, types, objType);
        ILGenerator ilGen = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();
        // if need more than 1 arg add another Ldarg_x
        // you'll also need to add proper generics and 
        // CreateDelegate signatures
        ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, objType.GetConstructor(types));
        return (Func&ltP1, T&gt)dynMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func&ltP1, T&gt));

    public static Func&ltP1, T&gt UseCache(Hashtable cache) 
        Type t = typeof(T);
        Func&ltP1, T&gt c = cache[t] as Func&ltP1, T>;
        if (c == null) 
            lock (cache.SyncRoot) 
                c = cache[t] as Func&ltP1, T>;
                if (c != null) 
                    return c; 
                c = CreateDelegate(); 
                cache.Add(t, c); 

        return c; 
like image 35
thames Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09


I wrote this a while ago. It's using the .NET 3.5 Linq Expression trees rather than emitting IL, which is almost as fast, and more maintainable. It can take up to 4 constructor arguments.

Using any constructor arguments like you want to do might be a bit slower however due to looking up the constructor based on the argument types, but it's still much faster than with reflection. Also with IL emission there would have to be some lookup I think.

You have to specify the exact type which you want to construct as it's no IOC/DI container. Maybe you can extend and adapt it to your needs.

// usage:
Cat myCat = Instantiator<Cat>.New("furry", /* isCute*/ true);

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;

static public class Instantiator<TInstance>
    static Instantiator()
        Debug.Assert(typeof(TInstance).IsValueType || (typeof(TInstance).IsClass && !typeof(TInstance).IsAbstract),
                String.Concat("The type ", typeof(TInstance).Name, " is not constructable."));

    static public TInstance New()
        return InstantiatorImpl.CtorFunc();

    static public TInstance New<TA>(TA valueA)
        return InstantiatorImpl<TA>.CtorFunc(valueA);

    static public TInstance New<TA, TB>(TA valueA, TB valueB)
        return InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB>.CtorFunc(valueA, valueB);

    static public TInstance New<TA, TB, TC>(TA valueA, TB valueB, TC valueC)
        return InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB, TC>.CtorFunc(valueA, valueB, valueC);

    static public TInstance New<TA, TB, TC, TD>(TA valueA, TB valueB, TC valueC, TD valueD)
        return InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB, TC, TD>.CtorFunc(valueA, valueB, valueC, valueD);

    static private Expression<TDelegate> CreateLambdaExpression<TDelegate>(params Type[] argTypes)
        Debug.Assert(argTypes != null);

        ParameterExpression[] paramExpressions = new ParameterExpression[argTypes.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < paramExpressions.Length; i++)
            paramExpressions[i] = Expression.Parameter(argTypes[i], String.Concat("arg", i));

        ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = typeof(TInstance).GetConstructor(argTypes);
        if (ctorInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(String.Concat("The type ", typeof(TInstance).Name, " has no constructor with the argument type(s) ", String.Join(", ", argTypes.Select(t => t.Name).ToArray()), "."),

        return Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression.New(ctorInfo, paramExpressions), paramExpressions);

    static private class InstantiatorImpl
        static public readonly Func<TInstance> CtorFunc = Expression.Lambda<Func<TInstance>>(Expression.New(typeof(TInstance))).Compile();

    static private class InstantiatorImpl<TA>
        static public readonly Func<TA, TInstance> CtorFunc = Instantiator<TInstance>.CreateLambdaExpression<Func<TA, TInstance>>(typeof(TA)).Compile();

    static private class InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB>
        static public readonly Func<TA, TB, TInstance> CtorFunc = Instantiator<TInstance>.CreateLambdaExpression<Func<TA, TB, TInstance>>(typeof(TA), typeof(TB)).Compile();

    static private class InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB, TC>
        static public readonly Func<TA, TB, TC, TInstance> CtorFunc = Instantiator<TInstance>.CreateLambdaExpression<Func<TA, TB, TC, TInstance>>(typeof(TA), typeof(TB), typeof(TC)).Compile();

    static private class InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB, TC, TD>
        static public readonly Func<TA, TB, TC, TD, TInstance> CtorFunc = Instantiator<TInstance>.CreateLambdaExpression<Func<TA, TB, TC, TD, TInstance>>(typeof(TA), typeof(TB), typeof(TC), typeof(TD)).Compile();

Have teh funz with it! :->

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herzmeister Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09
