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How to encrypt with private key and decrypt with public key in c# RSA

I found several solutions where I can use the .Net RSA Provider to Encrypt a message with the public key and Decrypt it with the private one.

But what I want to have is to Encrypt with the private key and Decrypt with the public key.

I want t store the public key in my app and encrypt a license for example on my dev machine with the private key, send it to the app and let the information decrypt with a public key.

How can I achieve that?

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STORM Avatar asked Dec 20 '14 09:12


People also ask

Can you encrypt with private key and decrypt with public key?

Asymmetric encryption uses a mathematically related pair of keys for encryption and decryption: a public key and a private key. If the public key is used for encryption, then the related private key is used for decryption. If the private key is used for encryption, then the related public key is used for decryption.

Can public key be used for both encryption and decryption?

Public Key (or asymmetric encryption) In a public key system, two keys are used, one for encrypting and one for decrypting.

1 Answers

You can use signature generation, In which the private key is used to generate a signature that verifies that your message is authentic.

// Create message and signature on your end
string message = "Here is the license message";

var converter = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] plainText = converter.GetBytes(message);

var rsaWrite = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
var privateParams = rsaWrite.ExportParameters(true);

// Generate the public key / these can be sent to the user.
var publicParams = rsaWrite.ExportParameters(false);

byte[] signature =
    rsaWrite.SignData(plainText, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider());

// Verify from the user's side. Note that only the public parameters
// are needed.
var rsaRead = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
if (rsaRead.VerifyData(plainText,
                       new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(),
    Console.WriteLine("NOT verified!");

you can take further help from HERE

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Syeda Zunaira Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10

Syeda Zunaira