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How to pass arguments to callback functions in PyQt

I have around 10 QAction (this number will vary in runtime) in a toolbar, which all will do same thing, but using different parameters. I am thinking to add parameter as an attribute to QAction object, and then, QAction's triggered signal will also send object's itself to the callback function, so that I could get required parameters for the function. I have actually 2 questions about this:

  • Can it be done?
  • Is there a better way of doing this?
like image 963
yasar Avatar asked Jan 11 '12 18:01


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Can we pass functions as arguments in Python?

Because functions are objects we can pass them as arguments to other functions. Functions that can accept other functions as arguments are also called higher-order functions. In the example below, a function greet is created which takes a function as an argument.

What is Pyqtsignal?

Each PyQt widget, which is derived from QObject class, is designed to emit 'signal' in response to one or more events. The signal on its own does not perform any action. Instead, it is 'connected' to a 'slot'. The slot can be any callable Python function.

What is callback in Python?

In Python, a callback is simply a function or a method passed to LocalSolver. A callback takes two parameters: the LocalSolver object that triggers the event and the type of the callback. It is possible to use the same callback method or object for multiple events or multiple LocalSolver instances.

Does PyQt require QT?

You can purchase the commercial version of PyQt here. More information about licensing can be found in the License FAQ. PyQt does not include a copy of Qt. You must obtain a correctly licensed copy of Qt yourself.

3 Answers

How to pass arguments to callback functions in PyQt

You can use functools.partial from standart Python library. Example with QAction:

some_action.triggered.connect(functools.partial(some_callback, param1, param2))
like image 157
reclosedev Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10


You could use a lambda function associated to the GUI control's slot to pass extra arguments to the method you want to execute.

# Create the build button with its caption
self.build_button = QPushButton('&Build Greeting', self)
# Connect the button's clicked signal to AddControl
self.build_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.AddControl('fooData'))
def AddControl(self, name):
    print name

Source: snip2code - Using Lambda Function To Pass Extra Argument in PyQt4

like image 11
Dominique Terrs Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Dominique Terrs

The best way to pass the arguments is to not pass them at all. You can use the dynamic nature of python, and set whatever data you need as your own properties on the widgets themselves, get the target widget in the handler using self.sender(), and then get whatever properties you need directly from the widget.

In this example five buttons are created and the required state is set on the button widget as my_own_data property:

import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore

class Main(QtGui.QMainWindow):

    def __init__(self):
        self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget()
        self.vboxlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()

        for idx in range(5):
            button = QtGui.QPushButton('button ' + str(idx), None)
            button.my_own_data = str(idx)  # <<< set your own property
            button.clicked.connect(self.click_handler)  # <<< no args needed


    def click_handler(self, data=None):
        if not data:
            target = self.sender()  # <<< get the event target, i.e. the button widget
            data = target.my_own_data  # <<< get your own property
                                      "you clicked me!", 
                                      "my index is {0}".format(data))

app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
main = Main()

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ccpizza Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10
