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How to pass a matrix of constant values as an argument of a procedure call

I want to test a number of matrices by a procedure. Each matrix should be passsed as a matrix, something like:

type TMatrix = array of array of integer;
procedure test_kernel (mat: TMatrix);
test_kernel ([[1, 2], [1, 3]]); // <== does not compile

I cannot find the right syntax to do this correctly (tried with round brackets as well). Does anyone know how to pass a matrix of constant values as a procedure argument? Is it possible at all?


As what I want is not possible I decided to use:

type TMatrix = array of integer;
procedure test_kernel (rows, cols: integer; mat: TMatrix);
test_kernel (2, 2, [1, 2, 
                    1, 3]); 

So I get the illusion and readability of matrices. Thank you all!

like image 412
Arnold Avatar asked Dec 04 '11 11:12


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2 Answers

There actually is a possiblity to do this if you use a slightly different declaration of TMatrix, but IMHO it doesn't increase the readability of the code:

  TVector = array of integer;
  TMatrix = array of TVector;
procedure test_kernel (mat: TMatrix);
test_kernel(TMatrix.Create(TVector.Create(1, 2), TVector.Create(1, 3)));
like image 156
Uwe Raabe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Uwe Raabe

You cannot do what you wish with constants or open arrays. TMatrix is a dynamic array and you cannot have constants that are dynamic arrays. And a matrix is 2D but open arrays can't be nested. You cannot have an open array of open arrays. If this was just a vector, i.e. 1 dimensional, then you could indeed use open arrays. However, since you have a 2D matrix, open arrays can't help.

You will need to use a variable that is initialised at runtime. You can do this easily enough in an initialization section if you truly have a constant.

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David Heffernan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

David Heffernan