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How to pass a custom function to a Laravel Blade template?

I have a custom function and I want to pass it in a blade template. Here is the function:

function trim_characters( $text, $length = 45, $append = '…' ) {

    $length = (int) $length;
    $text = trim( strip_tags( $text ) );

    if ( strlen( $text ) > $length ) {
        $text = substr( $text, 0, $length + 1 );
        $words = preg_split( "/[\s]| /", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
        preg_match( "/[\s]| /", $text, $lastchar, 0, $length );
        if ( empty( $lastchar ) )
            array_pop( $words );

        $text = implode( ' ', $words ) . $append;

    return $text;

And the usage is like this:

$string = "A VERY VERY LONG TEXT";
trim_characters( $string );

Is it possible to pass a custom function to the blade template? Thank you.

like image 268
wobsoriano Avatar asked Sep 07 '15 02:09


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2 Answers

You don't have to pass anything to blade. If you define your function, you can use it from blade.

  1. Create a new app/helpers.php file.
  2. Add your trim_characters function to it.
  3. Add that file to your composer.json file.
  4. Run composer dump-autoload.

Now just use the function directly in blade:

{{ trim_characters($string) }}
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Joseph Silber Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10

Joseph Silber

Another approach is injecting service. See docs at https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/blade#service-injection

Define your function inside a class then inject it inside your Blade

class Foo {
    trim_characters($string) {....}

Then in your blade file

@inject('foo', 'Foo')

<div>{{ $foo->trim_characters($string) }}</div>
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GusDeCooL Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10
