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Manually inject model relation using Eloquent

How can I add a model into the relations array of another model?


  • Domain belongsTo Owner.
  • Owner hasOne Domain.
  • I have $domain (instance of Domain).
  • I have $owner (instance of Owner).

I want to add $domain to $owner->relations[] so that I can just use $owner->domain later on in my code.

The reason for doing this is such that in one particular controller i only need a partial data set from each model so use fluent to query with a join for performance reasons then fill the models.

Then for readability's sake I'd like to use $owner->domain->id etc

$domain->owner()->associate($owner); gives me a $domain->owner option

But then I can't work out the opposite version

$owner->domain()->associate($domain) $owner->domain()->attach($domain) 

both result in the following fatal error

Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::[attach|associate] ()

NB: I don't want to save anything as I've already loaded all the data i need.

like image 910
Ben Swinburne Avatar asked Jul 08 '15 09:07

Ben Swinburne

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1 Answers

setRelation() should work. It just sets the value in the relations array.

$owner->setRelation('domain', $domain); 
like image 147
lukasgeiter Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10
