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How to override an inherited class property in C#?

I learned how to inherit methods by adding virtual to the method in the base class and override in the new class. But what do I do to inherit properties?

class bird
    private virtual string fly = "Yes, I can!";
    public string CanI() { return fly ; }

class penguin : bird
    private override string fly = "No, I can't!";

This pops an error, saying that modifiers virtual/override should not be used here.

like image 719
Rob Avatar asked Dec 10 '10 19:12


1 Answers

fly is not a property, it is a field. Fields are not overrideable. You can do this:

class bird {
    protected virtual string Fly {
        get {
            return "Yes, I can!";
    public string CanI() { return Fly; }

class penguin : bird {
    protected override string Fly {
        get {
            return "No, I can't!"; 

Note that I had to mark fly as protected.

But even better, I would do something like this:

abstract class Bird {
    public abstract bool CanFly { get; }
    public string SayCanFly() {
        if(CanFly) {
            return "Yes, I can!";
        else {
            return "No, I can't!";

class Penguin : Bird {
    public override bool CanFly {
        get {
            return false;

class Eagle : Bird {
    public override bool CanFly {
        get {
            return true;
like image 112
jason Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 07:10
