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Async method to return true or false in a Task

I know that an async method can only return void or Task. I have read similar methods for Exception handling inside async methods. And I'm new to async programming so I am looking for a straightforward solution.

My async method runs an Sql query. If the query was ok, it should notify the caller with a Boolean true and otherwise a false. My method is currently a void so I have no way of knowing.

private async void RefreshContacts()
    Task refresh = Task.Run(() =>
            // run the query
        catch { }
    await refresh;           

I simply would like to change async to Task so that in my catch statement the method will return a false and otherwise a true.

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disasterkid Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 09:07


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Async methods can have the following return types: Task, for an async method that performs an operation but returns no value. Task<TResult>, for an async method that returns a value. void , for an event handler.

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Async functions always return a promise. If the return value of an async function is not explicitly a promise, it will be implicitly wrapped in a promise. Note: Even though the return value of an async function behaves as if it's wrapped in a Promise.resolve , they are not equivalent.

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C# Language Async-Await Returning a Task without awaitThere is only one asynchronous call inside the method. The asynchronous call is at the end of the method. Catching/handling exception that may happen within the Task is not necessary.

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2 Answers

It sounds like you just need to return a Task<bool> then:

private async Task<bool> RefreshContactsAsync()
    catch // TODO: Catch more specific exceptions
        return false;
    return true;

Personally I would not catch the exception, instead letting the caller check the task for a faulted state, but that's a different matter.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10

Jon Skeet

Change the method signature to Task<bool>. Then if your method is declared as async you can simple return a bool value. But as jon skeet said there are other, possibly better ways, to handle your szenario

 private async Task<bool> RefreshContacts()
        Task refresh = Task.Run(() =>
                // run the query
                      return true;
        catch { return false;}      

PS: Another common issue you will possibly have is if you have a method without async. Then you can return Task.FromResult(true) like this:

 private Task<bool> RefreshContacts()
    return Task.FromResult(true)
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Boas Enkler Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Boas Enkler