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How to output a generated HTML string to a textbox without paragraph formating [closed]




I am generating an HTML string in a WPF application, and I am outputting it to a multiline textbox. Right now the output is wrapping, but is showing up similar to a paragraph. I would like it to be shown as formatted HTML. It wouldn't even have to be very nice formatting, but at least not show a paragraph of HTML.

How can I accomplish this?

like image 492
TheJediCowboy Avatar asked Apr 15 '11 17:04


1 Answers

If your HTML is well-formed XML, then the XElement.ToString() method will format with indents and newlines:

    formattedOutput = System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Parse(myHtmlString).ToString();
    // isn't well-formed xml
like image 55
Ed Power Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Ed Power