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How to organize React Native with Realm project files?

I've picked realm to store data in my React Native app. I don't understand, how to organize files in my project. Documentation provides only simple code for one component. But I need for different components different parts of database.

I seen in one repository, where all schemes was passed to array in "configureRealm.js" file:

new Realm({schema: [Dogs, Cats]});

Also I've found, that I can put different schemes in "schemes" directory, for example and import them where I need.

For example in "Cats.js" react component I can do:

import Cats from 'schemes/Cats';

this.realm = new Realm({schema: [Cats]});

And in "Dogs.js" import dogs and initialize realm with this scheme.

But I am not sure in first and in mine way. What will be right and the best way to organize realm react native application?

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acidernt Avatar asked Oct 22 '16 18:10


People also ask

Why We Use realm in react native?

The Realm React Native SDK allows you to use Realm Database and backend Apps from React Native applications for iOS and Android written in JavaScript or TypeScript. The React Native SDK does not support JavaScript or TypeScript applications written for web browsers. For that use case, you should consider the Web SDK.

Is realm free for react native?

Yes definitely you can use Realm for free to save unlimited data locally.

2 Answers

I recently began organizing my App/Data structure like this, when dealing with Realm, after getting some direction from someone much smarter than I :) I did not go into too much detail about how the Realms are initially created, as I assume you are handling that already. This is just a really solid structure for organization/compartmentalized development. Hope it helps!

.App     ├──Assets     ├──Data     |   ├──Db     |   |   ├──Db.js     |   |   ├──DbHelper.js     |   ├──Models     |   |   ├──ModelA.js     |   |   ├──ModelB.js     |   |   ├──ModelC.js     |   ├──Queries.js     ├──Scenes     |   ├──App.js     |   |   ├──(all other scene/view components) 

--The Models directory contains all my schemas, broken out individually like this:

import Realm from 'realm'; export default class ModelA extends Realm.Object {} ModelA.schema = {     name: 'ModelA',     primaryKey: 'id',     properties: {         one: {type: 'int', optional: true},         two: 'string',         three: {type: 'string', optional: true},     } } 

--In Db.js, I keep all my standard Realm related methods. createRealm(), write(), close(), insert(), and a generic query method, like this:

query(model: string, filter?: string) {     let results = this.realm.objects(model);     if(filter) {         return results.filtered(filter);     }     return results; } 

--DbHelper.js then imports Db.js and all my Models. It handles the setting and getting of my db instance(s), using the standard methods from Db.js, like this:

import Db from 'App/Data/Db/Db'; import ModelA from 'App/Data/Models/ModelA'; import ModelB from 'App/Data/Models/ModelB'; import ModelC from 'App/Data/Models/ModelC';  class DbHelper {      modelSchema = [         ModelA,         ModelB,         ModelC     ];      activeInstancePath = (myLocalRealmPath)      getInstance(): Db {         let instance: Db = this.activeInstancePath;         if(!instance) {             throw new Error('DbHelper.js :: Active Instance Not Set!');         }         return instance;     }      /* note: this is where you would also setInstance and define a constant, or other method for the instance path */ } 

--Queries.js then imports DbHelper.js. Queries.js contains all my methods for specific app related data queries. Queries.js is all I need to import into my Scene components, to obtain Realm data. My Queries.js looks something like this:

import DbHelper from 'App/Data/Db/DbHelper';  class Queries {      /* a typical query */     getSomeDataFromModelA(filterValue: string = null) {         let filter = null;         if (filterValue) {             filter = `two = ${filterValue}`;         }         let results = DbHelper.getInstance()             .query('ModelA', filter);          return results;     }      /* return some JSON data that we originally stored in the Realm as a string */     getSomeJsonData() {         let results = DbHelper.getInstance()             .query('ModelB');          if(results.length) {             let parsed = JSON.parse(results[0].objectA);             return parsed.objectB;         }         return null;     } } export default new Queries(); 

--App.js. So now, in my App Scene I would simply do something like this:

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { View, Text } from 'react-native'; import Queries from 'App/Data/Queries';  class App extends Component {      constructor(props) {         super(props);          // Get Some Realm Data!         let modelAData = Queries.getSomeDataFromModelA()         let someJsonData = Queries.getSomeJsonData();          // Set Initial state         this.state = {             modelData: modelAData,             jsonData: someJsonData         }     }      componentDidMount() {         console.log(this.state.modelData);     }      render() {         return(             <View>                 <Text>{this.state.jsonData.objectKey}</Text>             </View>         );     } }  export default App; 
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fostertime Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10


In the example in the Realm github repo all models are defined and exported form a singe file: https://github.com/realm/realm-js/blob/master/examples/ReactExample/components/realm.js

Then this is required throughout the app and used as needed.

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Ari Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10
