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Function gets called multiple times in react

I would like to know why the function gets called multiple times wheh dispatch. Also, is there any better way to do,

getData = (value) =>{
  const body = {
    value: value,
    cn: "TH"
return body;

  this.props.dispatch(queryData(this.getData(10)));// called repeatedly 


I have updated the different scenario by same type, I need to know is there any other better way to.

scenario 2

getData = () =>{
  const body = {
    value: value,
    cn: "TH"
return body;
componentDidUpdate = () => {
const {allstate} = this.props.querydata 
renderState = (data) => {
  const getId = data.map(e=>e.id); //will get array of values [2, 3, 4]
    this.props.dispatch(queryState(e))); //for every id dispatch props, 
  // will gets this by componentDidMount call
  return (

like image 212
miyavv Avatar asked Jan 15 '20 03:01


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1 Answers

When there is render in view ,renderData function gets called which dispatch some action, and again this make your component re-render. One solution can be move your this.renderData() function outside the render , may be in constructor or componentDidMount

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Kais Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
