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How to open/stream .zip files through Spark?

I have zip files that I would like to open 'through' Spark. I can open .gzip file no problem because of Hadoops native Codec support, but am unable to do so with .zip files.

Is there an easy way to read a zip file in your Spark code? I've also searched for zip codec implementations to add to the CompressionCodecFactory, but am unsuccessful so far.

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JeffLL Avatar asked Feb 17 '15 19:02


People also ask

How do I open a zip file with Spark?

Taking the ZipFileInputFormat and its helper ZipfileRecordReader class, I was able to get Spark to perfectly open and read the zip file. rdd1 = sc. newAPIHadoopFile("/Users/myname/data/compressed/target_file.

How do I open a zipped zip file?

Open File Explorer and find the zipped folder. To unzip the entire folder, right-click to select Extract All, and then follow the instructions. To unzip a single file or folder, double-click the zipped folder to open it. Then, drag or copy the item from the zipped folder to a new location.

How do I read a zip file in Databricks?

The following notebooks show how to read zip files. After you download a zip file to a temp directory, you can invoke the Azure Databricks %sh zip magic command to unzip the file. For the sample file used in the notebooks, the tail step removes a comment line from the unzipped file.

How do I open zip attachments?

To unzip a single file or folder, open the zipped folder, then drag the file or folder from the zipped folder to a new location. To unzip all the contents of the zipped folder, press and hold (or right-click) the folder, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.

3 Answers

There was no solution with python code and I recently had to read zips in pyspark. And, while searching how to do that I came across this question. So, hopefully this'll help others.

import zipfile
import io

def zip_extract(x):
    in_memory_data = io.BytesIO(x[1])
    file_obj = zipfile.ZipFile(in_memory_data, "r")
    files = [i for i in file_obj.namelist()]
    return dict(zip(files, [file_obj.open(file).read() for file in files]))

zips = sc.binaryFiles("hdfs:/Testing/*.zip")
files_data = zips.map(zip_extract).collect()

In the above code I returned a dictionary with filename in the zip as a key and the text data in each file as the value. you can change it however you want to suit your purposes.

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TrigonaMinima Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10


@user3591785 pointed me in the correct direction, so I marked his answer as correct.

For a bit more detail, I was able to search for ZipFileInputFormat Hadoop, and came across this link: http://cotdp.com/2012/07/hadoop-processing-zip-files-in-mapreduce/

Taking the ZipFileInputFormat and its helper ZipfileRecordReader class, I was able to get Spark to perfectly open and read the zip file.

    rdd1  = sc.newAPIHadoopFile("/Users/myname/data/compressed/target_file.ZIP", ZipFileInputFormat.class, Text.class, Text.class, new Job().getConfiguration());

The result was a map with one element. The file name as key, and the content as the value, so I needed to transform this into a JavaPairRdd. I'm sure you could probably replace Text with BytesWritable if you want, and replace the ArrayList with something else, but my goal was to first get something running.

JavaPairRDD<String, String> rdd2 = rdd1.flatMapToPair(new PairFlatMapFunction<Tuple2<Text, Text>, String, String>() {

    public Iterable<Tuple2<String, String>> call(Tuple2<Text, Text> textTextTuple2) throws Exception {
        List<Tuple2<String,String>> newList = new ArrayList<Tuple2<String, String>>();

        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(textTextTuple2._2.getBytes());
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));

        String line;

        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

        Tuple2 newTuple = new Tuple2(line.split("\\t")[0],line);
        return newList;
like image 40
JeffLL Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10


Please try the code below:

using API sparkContext.newAPIHadoopRDD(
    ImmutableBytesWritable.class, Result.class)
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Tinku Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
