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How to open multiple consoles in multiple tabs in Eclipse?


I am using Eclipse Version: Helios Release for a Java application. I need to run multiple instances of same application and want easy visibility of multiple consoles.

Can it be done? If yes, how?

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Nitin Garg Avatar asked Jul 08 '10 12:07

Nitin Garg

People also ask

How do I open multiple consoles in Eclipse?

In eclipse, you can have two console views... On the console view, you have a button called 'open console' (the most right button in the console view). If you click this and select option 3 (new console view), you will see two consoles.

How do I keep the console in Eclipse?

You can use the "pin console" button to ensure it stays on top. Other than that, I thought the two checkboxes "show when program writes...." were supposed to handle that. @ylun.za It's not an option, it's a window, like the Package Explorer and so on. Window>Show View>Console.

2 Answers

Run the application twice (say instance A and B). Console will display message from B. Then create two consoles as rsilva pointed (say 1 and 2). Both consoles will show message from B. After that change console 1 to display message from A by selecting the arrow near icon with monitor and select the instance A. The message from instance A will be displayed on console 1.

You can of course drag (or detached) one console to other place for better visibility.

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nanda Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09


Just look for your console view and in the right top click on the 'Open Console' button and select 'New console view'

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rsilva4 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
