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How to simulate high traffic load on a web application? [closed]


I wrote a Python web API that may get large amounts of requests per day. I want to test load levels before I go any further.

What is the best way to simulate large amounts of traffic on my localhost web application? Is there a (linux compatible) tool that will send large amounts of requests to a localhost URL?

like image 506
alecwh Avatar asked Jul 26 '10 19:07


People also ask

How do I stress test a web server?

Creating a Web Server Stress TestRecord one or more user scenarios. (Optional) Modify the recorded traffic. Create a load test that will simulate several virtual users. Assigns scenarios to the users (you can assign the same scenario to several users or assign an individual scenario to each user).

1 Answers

I found a decent looking list here. One of them may work for you. I have also used Watir (FireWatir in your case) scripts for smaller load tests in the 10-20 user range.

like image 52
µBio Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10
