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How to open files in a separate tabs

I want to keep all my working files in a separate tabs in Brackets since, I am finding bit difficult to open the file in the LHS panel under "Working Files". Is there a way to do it?

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phkavitha Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 06:08


3 Answers

The Tabs for Brackets extension will show traditional tabs along the top, although only when the sidebar is hidden. (Though it would probably be easy to hack that extension to do it all the time instead).

But bear in mind that the "working files" section is really the same thing as tabs, just rendered in a vertical stack on the side to conserve screen real estate. You can open, close, and drag to reorder the items just like tabs. If clicking them is a pain, you can use Ctrl+Tab to navigate in MRU order, or use my File Navigation Shortcuts extension for hotkeys to navigate in linear list order (or use Quick Open to jump to any file based on a fragment of its name).

like image 78
peterflynn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10


Tabs for Brackets extension from selected answer isn't support latest Brackets API changes (from Sprint 44 release). Documents Toolbar (github.com/dnbard/brackets-documents-toolbar) from kramer65 comment use that API and support split-view (new feature from Sprint 44 release).

The official page for the extension Documents Toolbar with the downloadable ZIP files is http://brackets.dnbard.com/extension/dnbard.documents-toolbar

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AlexBard Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10


I was also searching for it. Finally found this plugin to be helpful.

How to install

  1. Open Brackets, Go to File -> Extension manager...
  2. You can find "Install from URL..." link at the bottom-left of the popup
  3. Click on that and provide the GitHub URL https://github.com/demonmhon/brackets-working-file-tabs
  4. Once installed, close the popup and go to View -> Show working file as tabs...

Here is how it looks

enter image description here

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Hari Das Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10

Hari Das