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How to open Facebook / Twitter app from my iOS app in Xamarin?

I'm developing an iOS app with Xamarin, in C#.

I have a "contact" UIViewController, with some buttons, including Facebook and Twitter.

I need to open the Facebook and Twitter App with a specific Facebook Page and Twitter profile from my app.

What is the best way to do this?

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pasluc74669 Avatar asked Jul 19 '16 10:07


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1 Answers

Try this :

Device.OpenUri(new Uri("fb://page/page_id"));
Device.OpenUri(new Uri("twitter://user?user_id=userid"));

For page_id right click on page and select view source page and find the page_id for facebook and same as for twitter find the userid

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Himanshu Dwivedi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10

Himanshu Dwivedi