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How to open a file twice using Eclipse ? [duplicate]



Using Eclipse I have a large file and I want to watch it in different scopes at same time .

So how could I open it twice (get its 2 instance in the editor panel ) ?

like image 832
URL87 Avatar asked May 24 '13 14:05


2 Answers


  • top menu: Window | New Editor or
  • context menu: right click on the editor tab
  • joker: Ctrl+3 New Editor, this reveals the command too which you can assign a key binding in the preferences, if needed

A related trick then is to pull the editor tab of the new clone on the side or below the original one.

like image 134
inger Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10


Right-Click (over the opened file tab) -> New Editor
like image 40
leonbloy Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10
