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How to import an already checked out svn repository into Eclipse?

I have a Subversion repository I have checked out and have in my local hard disk. Now, how do I import this into Eclipse?

When I choose File > Import and choose SVN, there is only an option to checkout a project from the server again. File > New project seems to be for projects we are creating new projects from scratch.

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Sundar R Avatar asked Nov 08 '09 13:11

Sundar R

2 Answers

"Import..." the existing project then "Share..." the project. The Subversive (or SubClipse) client will realize that the project has a .svn folder and reattach to the repository.

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Chris Nava Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 22:01

Chris Nava

In Eclipse click on:

File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace

However you have to define a workspace location being different from the one that is being checked out in order to prevent yourself from changes to the checked out repository.

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stevek-pro Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 23:01
