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How to open a file in Eclipse AND jump to a specific line?

I can open a file in exclipse, but is there any syntax to jump to a specific line?

VI can do this by

vi -c LINE filename
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powtac Avatar asked Feb 19 '10 10:02


People also ask

How do I go to a specific line number in Eclipse?

Thanks! Hal, Ctrl-L prompts you to go to a line number.

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Search – Eclipse Shortcuts CTRL SHIFT G – Search for current cursor positioned word reference in workspace. CTRL H – Java search in workspace.

How do I move forward in Eclipse?

alt+left and alt+right — navigate through my source to back and forward. shortcuts for navigate > back and navigate > forward and backward . ctrl+m — maximizes the current view or editor. press ctrl+m again and it goes back to the previous size.

2 Answers

Not exactly the right answer, but for Java file, you can use the package explorer, or the outline view, useful to select a group of lines) and open the file to the line matching a Java element (class, method, variable, ...)

Eclipse open

Once the file is already opened, CTRL+L is the way to go to a line of the currently edited file, as Adi mentions in the comment.

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VonC Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


Finally fixed!!

On Windows:

eclipsec.exe -name Eclipse --launcher.openFile %USERPROFILE%\workspace\MyClass.java:50

On Linux/Mac:

eclipse -name Eclipse --launcher.openFile ~/workspace/MyClass.java:50
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krispy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
