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How to obtain the execution time of a function in Julia?



I want to obtain the execution time of a function in Julia. Here is a minimum working example:

function raise_to(n)
    for i in 1:n
        y = (1/7)^n

How to obtain the time it took to execute raise_to(10) ?

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Qwerty Avatar asked Mar 26 '20 12:03


People also ask

How do you time a function in Julia?

The standard way of timing things in Julia, is by use of the @time macro. Do note, that the code we want to time is put in a function . This is because everything we do at the top level in the REPL is in global scope.

2 Answers

The recommended way to benchmark a function is to use BenchmarkTools:

julia> function raise_to(n)
           y = (1/7)^n
raise_to (generic function with 1 method)

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> @btime raise_to(10)
  1.815 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Note that repeating the computation numerous times (like you did in your example) is a good idea to get more accurate measurements. But BenchmarTools does it for you.

Also note that BenchmarkTools avoids many pitfalls of merely using @time. Most notably with @time, you're likely to measure compilation time in addition to run time. This is why the first invocation of @time often displays larger times/allocations:

# First invocation: the method gets compiled
# Large resource consumption
julia> @time raise_to(10)
  0.007901 seconds (7.70 k allocations: 475.745 KiB)

# Subsequent invocations: stable and low timings
julia> @time raise_to(10)
  0.000003 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)

julia> @time raise_to(10)
  0.000002 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)

julia> @time raise_to(10)
  0.000001 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)
like image 164
François Févotte Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

François Févotte


@time works as mentioned in previous answers, but it will include compile time if it is the first time you call the function in your julia session.



You can also use @btime if you put using BenchmarkTools in your code.


This will rerun your function many times after an initial compile run, and then average the time.

julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime sin(x) setup=(x=rand())
  4.361 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)


Another super useful library for Profiling is TimerOutputs.jl


using TimerOutputs

# Time a section code with the label "sleep" to the `TimerOutput` named "to"
@timeit to "sleep" sleep(0.02)

# ... several more calls to @timeit

                               Time                   Allocations
                       ──────────────────────   ───────────────────────
   Tot / % measured:        5.09s / 56.0%            106MiB / 74.6%

 Section       ncalls     time   %tot     avg     alloc   %tot      avg
 sleep            101    1.17s  41.2%  11.6ms   1.48MiB  1.88%  15.0KiB
 nest 2             1    703ms  24.6%   703ms   2.38KiB  0.00%  2.38KiB
   level 2.2        1    402ms  14.1%   402ms      368B  0.00%   368.0B
   level 2.1        1    301ms  10.6%   301ms      368B  0.00%   368.0B
 throwing           1    502ms  17.6%   502ms      384B  0.00%   384.0B
 nest 1             1    396ms  13.9%   396ms   5.11KiB  0.01%  5.11KiB
   level 2.2        1    201ms  7.06%   201ms      368B  0.00%   368.0B
   level 2.1        3   93.5ms  3.28%  31.2ms   1.08KiB  0.00%   368.0B
 randoms            1   77.5ms  2.72%  77.5ms   77.3MiB  98.1%  77.3MiB
 funcdef            1   2.66μs  0.00%  2.66μs         -  0.00%        -

Macros can have begin ... end

As seen in the docs for these functions they can cover multiple statements or functions.

@my_macro begin
  # ...

Hope that helps.

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phyatt Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10
