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How to not need user input for install.packages(type = "both")

Normally, install.packages(..., type = "both") requires user input if there is a package that needs to be built from source.

For example (currently, with R 3.5.1), install.packages(c("feather", "tidyr"), type = "both")) will install tidyr from binary and feather from source, as long as there is a user to click "yes" when it gets to the feather install.

Is there a way to automatically click yes, or not require user input through some of the options to install.packages()?

Note: install.packages(..., type = "source") does not require user input, but it builds all packages, which is not the desirable behavior in this case.

like image 705
r_alanb Avatar asked Jul 25 '18 04:07


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1 Answers

The install.packages.compile.from.source option can be set to "always" to install packages from source without prompting for UI. The default is "interactive", which will prompt for user confirmation when using type="both".


options(install.packages.compile.from.source = "always")
install.packages(c("feather","tidyr"), type = "both")
like image 164
r_alanb Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10
