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How to navigate through the source code by parts in CamelCase (instead of whole words)?

I remember when I was using Eclipse that when holding CTRL and using left or right arrows Eclipse would navigate over the LongCamelCaseWrittenWord in several steps. One camel case word at time.

So it will go like follows (pipe | represents the actual cursor position):

|LongCamelCaseWrittenWord -> CTRL+RIGHT_ARROW -> Long|CamelCaseWrittenWord -> CTRL+RIGHT_ARROW -> LongCamel|CaseWrittenWord -> CTRL+RIGHT_ARROW -> LongCamelCase|WrittenWord -> CTRL+RIGHT_ARROW -> LongCamelCaseWritten|Word -> CTRL+RIGHT_ARROW -> LongCamelCaseWrittenWord| 

Is there a way how to achieve this in IntelliJ? Currently IntelliJ steps over the whole word at once.

Using IntelliJ 9.0

like image 666
Jan Zyka Avatar asked Apr 29 '11 14:04

Jan Zyka

People also ask

How do you write one word in camel case?

CamelCase is a way to separate the words in a phrase by making the first letter of each word capitalized and not using spaces. It is commonly used in web URLs, programming and computer naming conventions. It is named after camels because the capital letters resemble the humps on a camel's back.

How do I select a word in Intellij?

Use ⌃⌘G (macOS), or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J (Windows/Linux), to select all occurrences of the same word.

1 Answers

Yes, enable Use "CamelHumps" words in Settings | Editor | General | Smart Keys.

like image 67
CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09
