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Jump to editor shortcut in Intellij IDEA

People also ask

How do you jump to method in IntelliJ?

Go to implementation To navigate to the super method, press Ctrl+U . To navigate to the implementation, press Ctrl+Alt+B .

What is Ctrl h in IntelliJ?

Ctrl + H = "Type Hierarchy" view = shows a tree of parent and child classes of this class. Ctrl + Shift + A = "It does a search as you type through all the commands in intellij. Not only that but when you find the command you want it also displays the corresponding shortcut key next to it!"

How do I open IntelliJ editor?

Press Alt+F12 . IntelliJ IDEA closes the terminal window. If you need to keep the terminal window open when you switch back to the active editor, press Ctrl+Tab .

Esc usually brings the focus back to the editor.

With Alt + Home you can actually put focus on selecting the file and hit enter in order to go to the editor.

Esc is not always going to put the focus on editor.

For those on Mac (you don't have a Home key), use Command + E to open the recent files then hit enter.

Pressing F4 (Jump to Source action) in a selected resource in the Project View opens the editor with focus.

Another easy way to get from Terminal to Editor (on Mac) with two keys that are close together: Press ⌘1 to go to the project tool window, then hit Esc.

You can use ctrl + tab Navigate between files opened in the editor, and tool windows.


This is definitely a workaround, but, on mac os the following keystrokes work,

[ SHIFT + CMD + A ] > type "edit" > [ ENTER ]

So, I created a Service using Automator as follows,

  • receives no input
  • active for my IDE only ( phpstorm )
  • runs an AppleScript ( see below )

Then I mapped the Service via "System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services" to

[ CTRL + OPTION + CMD + i ]

The Automator Service, contains the following AppleScript,

on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "System Events"

        keystroke "A" using {shift down, command down}

        delay 0.2
        keystroke "edit"

        delay 0.2
        keystroke return

    end tell

    return input
end run