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How to name factory like methods?

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How do you write a factory method in Java?

It is a creational design pattern which talks about the creation of an object. The factory design pattern says that define an interface ( A java interface or an abstract class) and let the subclasses decide which object to instantiate.

What is factory method design pattern?

The factory method is a creational design pattern, i.e., related to object creation. In the Factory pattern, we create objects without exposing the creation logic to the client and the client uses the same common interface to create a new type of object.

What are static factory methods?

A static factory method is a public static method on the object that returns a new instance of the object. These type of methods share the same benefits as the traditional factory method design pattern. This is especially useful for value objects that don't have a separate interface and implementation class.

Some random thoughts:

  • 'Create' fits the feature better than most other words. The next best word I can think of off the top of my head is 'Construct'. In the past, 'Alloc' (allocate) might have been used in similar situations, reflecting the greater emphasis on blocks of data than objects in languages like C.

  • 'Create' is a short, simple word that has a clear intuitive meaning. In most cases people probably just pick it as the first, most obvious word that comes to mind when they wish to create something. It's a common naming convention, and "object creation" is a common way of describing the process of... creating objects.

  • 'Construct' is close, but it is usually used to describe a specific stage in the process of creating an object (allocate/new, construct, initialise...)

  • 'Build' and 'Make' are common terms for processes relating to compiling code, so have different connotations to programmers, implying a process that comprises many steps and possibly a lot of disk activity. However, the idea of a Factory "building" something is a sensible idea - especially in cases where a complex data-structure is built, or many separate pieces of information are combined in some way.

  • 'Generate' to me implies a calculation which is used to produce a value from an input, such as generating a hash code or a random number.

  • 'Produce', 'Generate', 'Construct' are longer to type/read than 'Create'. Historically programmers have favoured short names to reduce typing/reading.

Joshua Bloch in "Effective Java" suggests the following naming conventions

valueOf — Returns an instance that has, loosely speaking, the same value as its parameters. Such static factories are effectively type-conversion methods.

of — A concise alternative to valueOf, popularized by EnumSet (Item 32).

getInstance — Returns an instance that is described by the parameters but cannot be said to have the same value. In the case of a singleton, getInstance takes no parameters and returns the sole instance.

newInstance — Like getInstance, except that newInstance guarantees that each instance returned is distinct from all others.

getType — Like getInstance, but used when the factory method is in a different class. Type indicates the type of object returned by the factory method.

newType — Like newInstance, but used when the factory method is in a different class. Type indicates the type of object returned by the factory method.

Wanted to add a couple of points I don't see in other answers.

  1. Although traditionally 'Factory' means 'creates objects', I like to think of it more broadly as 'returns me an object that behaves as I expect'. I shouldn't always have to know whether it's a brand new object, in fact I might not care. So in suitable cases you might avoid a 'Create...' name, even if that's how you're implementing it right now.

  2. Guava is a good repository of factory naming ideas. It is popularising a nice DSL style. examples:

    ImmutableList.of("Hello", "World");

"Create" and "make" are short, reasonably evocative, and not tied to other patterns in naming that I can think of. I've also seen both quite frequently and suspect they may be "de facto standards". I'd choose one and use it consistently at least within a project. (Looking at my own current project, I seem to use "make". I hope I'm consistent...)

Avoid "build" because it fits better with the Builder pattern and avoid "produce" because it evokes Producer/Consumer.

To really continue the metaphor of the "Factory" name for the pattern, I'd be tempted by "manufacture", but that's too long a word.

I think it stems from “to create an object”. However, in English, the word “create” is associated with the notion “to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes,” and “to evolve from one's own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.” So it seems as “create” is not the proper word to use. “Make,” on the other hand, means “to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.” For example, you don’t create a dress, you make a dress (object). So, in my opinion, “make” by meaning “to produce; cause to exist or happen; bring about” is a far better word for factory methods.

Partly convention, partly semantics.

Factory methods (signalled by the traditional create) should invoke appropriate constructors. If I saw buildURI, I would assume that it involved some computation, or assembly from parts (and I would not think there was a factory involved). The first thing that I thought when I saw generateURI is making something random, like a new personalized download link. They are not all the same, different words evoke different meanings; but most of them are not conventionalised.