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how to name an uploaded file in zend framework

I have a form that contains and form of which code goes like this for image

$image->setDestination(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/images/upload'); 

and in my controller i have


how can i change the name of the filename uploaded. I want to set it to


trying this code

   $upload = new Zend_File_Transfer();
   $upload->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => APPLICATION_PATH.'/../images/upload/'.time().'.jpg', 'overwrite' => true));
   $filename = $form->image->getFilename(); 


would still give 'backend/public/images/upload/picture.jpg' in my database

I have in my form the following code

 $image = $this->createElement('file', 'image'); 
 $image->setLabel('Image: '); 
 $image->setDestination(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/images/upload/'); 
 $image->addValidator('Count', false, 1); 
 $image->addValidator('Size', false, 1024000); 
 $image->addValidator('Extension', false, 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif'); 

and i am using Ubuntu

like image 966
Santosh Linkha Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 16:02

Santosh Linkha

2 Answers

In your form class add the element like this:

$fileDestination = realpath(APPLICATION_PATH.'/../images/upload/');
$this->addElement('file','cover', array(
    'label'       => 'Cover:',
    'required'    => false,
    'destination' => $fileDestination,
    'validators'  => array(
        array('Count', false, array(1)),
        array('Size', false, array(1048576 * 5)),
        array('Extension', false, array('jpg,png,gif')),
    'decorators'  => $this->_elementDecorator

In you controller:

$originalFilename = pathinfo($form->image->getFileName());
$newName = rand(1,100) . time() . $originalFilename['extension'];
$form->cover->addFilter('Rename', $newName);
$data = $form->getValues();
like image 184
Octavian Vladu Avatar answered Mar 06 '23 15:03

Octavian Vladu

Use addFilter()


If you include the filename (here you can use your rand() function) and add it to the target array value it will rename it

From documentation:

$upload = new Zend_File_Transfer();

// Set a new destination path
$upload->addFilter('Rename', 'C:\picture\uploads');

// Set a new destination path and overwrites existing files
$upload->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => 'C:\picture\uploads', 'overwrite' => true));


       $upload = new Zend_File_Transfer();
       $files = $upload->getFileInfo();
       //You should also add file validation, see:
       $upload->addFilter('Rename', APPLICATION_PATH.'/../images/upload/'.time().'.jpg', $files[0]);
       $filename = $files[0]->getFilename(); 
like image 43
Ashley Avatar answered Mar 06 '23 14:03
