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How to name an arbitrary sequence of things in a macro?




I am trying to use ? in a macro, matching an arbitrary keyword:


macro_rules! foo {
        pub fn $name:ident (
            & $m : $( mut )? self
    ) => (
        pub fn $name (
            & $m self
        ) {}

struct Foo;

impl Foo {
    foo!( pub fn bar(&mut self) );
    foo!( pub fn baz(&self) );

fn main() {}

I tried varied syntax, but they all failed. How to do this?

like image 916
Boiethios Avatar asked Mar 05 '18 17:03


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Macro names should only consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores, i.e. 'a-z' , 'A-Z' , '0-9' , and '_' , and the first character should not be a digit.

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1 Answers

One trick would be to insert a repetition with a dummy token.


macro_rules! foo {
        pub fn $name:ident (
            & $( $(@$m:tt)* mut )? self
    ) => (
        pub fn $name (
            & $( $(@$m)* mut )? self
        ) {}

struct Foo;

impl Foo {
    foo!( pub fn bar(&mut self) );
    foo!( pub fn baz(&self) );

fn main() {
    (&mut Foo).bar();
    (&mut Foo).baz();
    // (&Foo).bar(); //~ERROR cannot borrow
like image 113
Masaki Hara Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Masaki Hara