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How to monitor number of RXJS subscriptions?

I'm using an Observable to provide event subscription interface for clients from a global resource, and I need to manage that resource according to the number of active subscriptions:

  • Allocate global resource when the number of subscriptions becomes greater than 0
  • Release global resource when the number of subscriptions becomes 0
  • Adjust the resource usage strategy based on the number of subscriptions

What is the proper way in RXJS to monitor the number of active subscriptions?

How to implement the following within RXJS syntax? -

const myEvent: Observable<any> = new Observable();

myEvent.onSubscription((newCount: number, prevCount: number) => {
   if(newCount === 0) {
      // release global resource
   } else {
      // allocate global resource, if not yet allocated
   // for a scalable resource usage / load,
   // re-configure it, based on newCount

I wouldn't expect a guaranteed notification on each change, hence newCount + prevCount params.


This is not a duplicate to this, because I need to be notified when the number of subscriptions changes, and not just to get the counter at some point.


Without any answer so far, I quickly came up with a very ugly and limited work-around, through complete incapsulation, and specifically for type Subject. Hoping very much to find a proper solution.


After a few answers, I'm still not sure how to implement what I'm trying, which is the following:

class CustomType {


class CountedObservable<T> extends Observable<T> {

    private message: string; // random property

    public onCount; // magical Observable that needs to be implemented

    constructor(message: string) {
        // super(); ???
        this.message = message;

    // random method
    public getMessage() {
        return this.message;

const a = new CountedObservable<CustomType>('hello'); // can create directly

const msg = a.getMessage(); // can call methods

a.subscribe((data: CustomType) => {
    // handle subscriptions here;

// need that magic onCount implemented, so I can do this:
a.onCount.subscribe((newCount: number, prevCont: number) => {
    // manage some external resources

How to implement such class CountedObservable above, which would let me subscribe to itself, as well as its onCount property to monitor the number of its clients/subscriptions?


All suggested solutions seemed overly complex, and even though I accepted one of the answers, I ended up with a completely custom solution one of my own.

like image 711
vitaly-t Avatar asked May 18 '19 04:05


People also ask

What is subscription from RxJS?

A Subscription is an object that represents a disposable resource, usually the execution of an Observable. A Subscription has one important method, unsubscribe , that takes no argument and just disposes the resource held by the subscription. In previous versions of RxJS, Subscription was called "Disposable".

How do I unsubscribe from Observable in RxJS?

Unsubscribing Manually One method we can use, is to unsubscribe manually from active subscriptions when we no longer require them. RxJS provides us with a convenient method to do this. It lives on the Subscription object and is simply called . unsubscribe() .

What happens if you don't subscribe to an Observable?

Remember, observables are lazy. If you don't subscribe nothing is going to happen. It's good to know that when you subscribe to an observer, each call of subscribe() will trigger it's own independent execution for that given observer. Subscribe calls are not shared among multiple subscribers to the same observable.

2 Answers

You could achieve it using defer to track subscriptions and finalize to track completions, e.g. as an operator:

// a custom operator that will count number of subscribers
function customOperator(onCountUpdate = noop) {
  return function refCountOperatorFunction(source$) {
    let counter = 0;

    return defer(()=>{
      return source$;

// just a stub for `onCountUpdate`
function noop(){}

And then use it like:

const source$ = new Subject();

const result$ = source$.pipe(
  customOperator( n => console.log('Count updated: ', n) )

Heres a code snippet illustrating this:

const { Subject, of, timer, pipe, defer } = rxjs;
const { finalize, takeUntil } = rxjs.operators;

const source$ = new Subject();

const result$ = source$.pipe(
  customOperator( n => console.log('Count updated: ', n) )

// emit events
}, 250);

}, 1000);

}, 1250);

}, 1750);

// subscribe and unsubscribe
const subscriptionA = result$
  .subscribe(value => console.log('A', value));

  result$.subscribe(value => console.log('B', value));
}, 500);

  result$.subscribe(value => console.log('C', value));
}, 1000);

}, 1500);

// complete source
}, 2000);

function customOperator(onCountUpdate = noop) {
  return function refCountOperatorFunction(source$) {
    let counter = 0;

    return defer(()=>{
      return source$;

function noop(){}
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>

* NOTE: if your source$ is cold — you might need to share it.

Hope it helps

like image 104
kos Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10


You are really asking three separate questions here, and I question whether you really need the full capability that you mention. Since most of the resource managment stuff you are asking for is already provided for by the library, doing custom tracking code seems to be redundant. The first two questions:

  • Allocate global resource when the number of subscriptions becomes greater than 0
  • Release global resource when the number of subscriptions becomes 0

Can be done with the using + share operators:

class ExpensiveResource {
  constructor () {
    // Do construction
  unsubscribe () {
   // Do Tear down

// Creates a resource and ties its lifecycle with that of the created `Observable`
// generated by the second factory function
// Using will accept anything that is "Subscription-like" meaning it has a unsubscribe function.
const sharedStream$ = using(
  // Creates an expensive resource
  () => new ExpensiveResource(), 
  // Passes that expensive resource to an Observable factory function
  er => timer(1000)
// Share the underlying source so that global creation and deletion are only
// processed when the subscriber count changes between 0 and 1 (or visa versa)

After that sharedStream$ can be passed around as a base stream which will manage the underlying resource (assuming you implemented your unsubscribe correctly) so that the resource will be created and torn down as the number of subscribers transitions between 0 and 1.

  • Adjust the resource usage strategy based on the number of subscriptions

    The third question I am most dubious on, but I'll answer it for completeness assuming you know your application better than I do (since I can't think of a reason why you would need specific handling at different usage levels other than going between 0 and 1).

Basically I would use a similar approach as above but I would encapuslate the transition logic slightly differently.

// Same as above
class ExpensiveResource {
  unsubscribe() {  console.log('Tear down this resource!')}

const usingReferenceTracking = 
  (onUp, onDown) => (resourceFactory, streamFactory) => {
    let instance, refCount = 0
    // Again manage the global resource state with using
    const r$ = using(
      // Unfortunately the using pattern doesn't let the resource escape the closure
      // so we need to cache it for ourselves to use later
      () => instance || (instance = resourceFactory()),
      // Forward stream creation as normal
      // Don't forget to clean up the stream after all is said and done
      // Because its behind a share this should only happen when all subscribers unsubscribe
      finalize(() => instance = null)
    // Use defer to trigger "onSubscribe" side-effects
    // Note as well that these side-effects could be merged with the above for improved performance
    // But I prefer them separate for easier maintenance.
    return defer(() => onUp(instance, refCount += 1) || r$)
      // Use finalize to handle the "onFinish" side-effects
      .pipe(finalize(() => onDown(instance, refCount -= 1)))


const referenceTracked$ = usingReferenceTracking(
  (ref, count) => console.log('Ref count increased to ' + count),
  (ref, count) => console.log('Ref count decreased to ' + count)
  () => new ExpensiveResource(),
  ref => timer(1000)

referenceTracked$.take(1).subscribe(x => console.log('Sub1 ' +x))
referenceTracked$.take(1).subscribe(x => console.log('Sub2 ' +x))

// Ref count increased to 1
// Ref count increased to 2
// Sub1 0
// Ref count decreased to 1
// Sub2 0
// Ref count decreased to 0
// Tear down this resource!

Warning: One side effect of this is that by definition the stream will be warm once it leaves the usingReferenceTracking function, and it will go hot on first subscription. Make sure you take this into account during the subscription phase.

like image 7
paulpdaniels Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10
