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Node.js Asynchronous Library Comparison - Q vs Async

I have used kriskowal's Q library for a project (web scraper / human-activity simulator) and have become acquainted with promises, returning them and resolving/rejecting them, and the library's basic asynchronous control flow methods and error-throwing/catching mechanisms have proven essential.

I have encountered some issues though. My promise.then calls and my callbacks have the uncanny tendency to form pyramids. Sometimes it's for scoping reasons, other times it's to guarantee a certain order of events. (I suppose I might be able to fix some of these problems by refactoring, but going forward I want to avoid "callback hell" altogether.)

Also, debugging is very frustrating. I spend a lot of time console.log-ing my way to the source of errors and bugs; after I finally find them I will start throwing errors there and catching them somewhere else with promise.finally, but the process of locating the errors in the first place is arduous.

Also, in my project, order matters. I need to do pretty much everything sequentially. Oftentimes I find myself generating arrays of functions that return promises and then chaining them to each other using Array.prototype.reduce, which I don't think I should have to do.

Here is an example of one of my methods that uses this reduction technique:

removeItem: function (itemId) {    var removeRegexp = new RegExp('\\/stock\\.php\\?remove=' + itemId);    return this.getPage('/stock.php')   .then(function (webpage) {     var       pageCount = 5,       promiseFunctions = [],       promiseSequence;      // Create an array of promise-yielding functions that can run sequentially.     _.times(pageCount, function (i) {       var promiseFunction = function () {         var           promise,           path;          if (i === 0) {           promise = Q(webpage);         } else {           path = '/stock.php?p=' + i;           promise = this.getPage(path);         }          return promise.then(function (webpage) {           var             removeMatch = webpage.match(removeRegexp),             removePath;            if (removeMatch !== null) {             removePath = removeitemMatch[0];              return this.getPage(removePath)             .delay(1000)             // Stop calling subsequent promises.             .thenResolve(true);           }            // Don't stop calling subsequent promises.           return false;          }.bind(this));       }.bind(this);        promiseFunctions.push(promiseFunction);     }, this);      // Resolve the promises sequentially but stop early if the item is found.     promiseSequence = promiseFunctions.reduce(function (soFar, promiseFunction, index) {       return soFar.then(function (stop) {         if (stop) {           return true;         } else {           return Q.delay(1000).then(promiseFunction);         }       });     }, Q());      return promiseSequence;   }.bind(this))   .fail(function (onRejected) {     console.log(onRejected);   }); }, 

I have other methods that do basically the same thing but which are suffering from much worse indentation woes.

I'm considering refactoring my project using coalan's async library. It seems similar to Q, but I want to know exactly how they differ. The impression I am getting is that async more "callback-centric" while Q is "promise-centric".

Question: Given my problems and project requirements, what would I gain and/or lose by using async over Q? How do the libraries compare? (Particularly in terms of executing series of tasks sequentially and debugging/error-handling?)

like image 498
Jackson Avatar asked Mar 19 '14 00:03


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Async/await and then() are very similar. The difference is that in an async function, JavaScript will pause the function execution until the promise settles. With then() , the rest of the function will continue to execute but JavaScript won't execute the . then() callback until the promise settles.

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1 Answers

Both libraries are good. I have discovered that they serve separate purposes and can be used in tandem.

Q provides the developer with promise objects, which are future representations of values. Useful for time travelling.

Async provides the developer with asynchronous versions of control structures and aggregate operations.

An example from one attempt at a linter implementation demonstrates a potential unity among libraries:

function lint(files, callback) {      // Function which returns a promise.     var getMerged = merger('.jslintrc'),          // Result objects to invoke callback with.         results = [];      async.each(files, function (file, callback) {         fs.exists(file, function (exists) {              // Future representation of the file's contents.             var contentsPromise,                  // Future representation of JSLINT options from .jslintrc files.                 optionPromise;              if (!exists) {                 callback();                 return;             }              contentsPromise = q.nfcall(fs.readFile, file, 'utf8');             optionPromise = getMerged(path.dirname(file));              // Parallelize IO operations.             q.all([contentsPromise, optionPromise])                 .spread(function (contents, option) {                     var success = JSLINT(contents, option),                         errors,                         fileResults;                     if (!success) {                         errors = JSLINT.data().errors;                         fileResults = errors.reduce(function (soFar, error) {                             if (error === null) {                                 return soFar;                             }                             return soFar.concat({                                 file: file,                                 error: error                             });                         }, []);                         results = results.concat(fileResults);                     }                     process.nextTick(callback);                 })                 .catch(function (error) {                     process.nextTick(function () {                         callback(error);                     });                 })                 .done();         });     }, function (error) {         results = results.sort(function (a, b) {             return a.file.charCodeAt(0) - b.file.charCodeAt(0);         });         callback(error, results);     }); } 

I want to do something potentially-blocking for each file. So async.each is the obvious choice. I can parallelize related operations per-iteration with q.all and reuse my option values if they apply to 2 or more files.

Here, Async and Q each influence the control flow of the program, and Q represents values resolving to file contents sometime in the future. The libraries work well together. One does not need to "choose one over the other".

like image 184
Jackson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
