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How to mock global variables (define, module, window) in mocha tests?

In the pursuit of 100% code coverage, I am attempting to use mocha to test that my javascript module is loading correctly under AMD, CommonJS/Node, and browser conditions. The pattern I'm using is below:



  function MyClass(){}

  // AMD
  if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){
      return MyClass;

  // CommonJS/Node
  } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports){
    module.exports = MyClass;

  // Browser
  } else {
    global.MyClass = MyClass;


Since I am running my tests with node, define is never defined, and module is always defined; so the "CommonJS/Node" condition is the only one that ever gets tested.

What I have tried so far is something like this:


var MyClass = require('./my-module');

describe('MyClass', function(){
  // suite of tests for the class itself
  // uses 'var instance = new MyClass();' in each test
  // all of these tests pass

describe('Exports', function(){
  // suite of tests for the export portion
    MyClass = null; // will reload module for each test
    define = null; // set 'define' to null
    module = null; // set 'module' to null

  // tests for AMD
  describe('AMD', function(){
    it('should have loaded as AMD module', function(){
      var define = function(){};
      define.amd = true;

      MyClass = require('./my-module'); // might be cached?
      // hoping this reloads with 'define' in its parent scope
      // but it does not. AMD condition is never reached.

      expect(spy).to.have.been.called(); // chai spy, code omitted

I'm using spies to check if define has been called, but the module doesn't show any signs of ever being reloaded with define available to it. How can I achieve that?

And is there a safe way of nullifying module so that I can test the browser condition as well?

like image 860
SteamDev Avatar asked Feb 05 '15 01:02


1 Answers

You might want to check out the rewire module. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it'll let you do what you need.


like image 106
Kevin Ennis Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Kevin Ennis