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How to mix HTML and C# Code in MVC3 with Razor?

I am trying to display a list of items that should toggle a class for styling purposes. The idea is to create a foreach loop that will cycle through all the myObj in the Model.

I tried the following code which does not work (because I'm doing it wrong)

@{ int i = 2;    foreach(var myObj in Model)    {         if (i % 2 == 0)         {             <div class="class1">         }         else         {             <div class="class2">         }         Html.Partial(...);         </div>          i += 1;    }      } 

What is the proper way to accomplish this?

I also tried the following code that, although compiles, does not render any HTML code within (and I'm sure there are objects in Model).

@{ int i = 2;    foreach(var myObj in Model)    {         if (i % 2 == 0)         {             @:<div class="class1">         }         else         {             @:<div class="class2">         }         Html.Partial(...);         @:</div>          i += 1;    }  } 

This is the partial class being called

<div class="class">     <div class="class2">         @if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))         {             @var2         }         else         {             @var         }     </div>     <div class="class3">         @var3     </div> </div> <div class="class4">     <p>var4</p>     <ul class="class5">         <li>element1</li>         <li>element2</li>     </ul> </div> 

I'm sorry I can't post the actual names and variables.

like image 412
PedroC88 Avatar asked Jun 12 '11 04:06


People also ask

Can we combine C and HTML?

Can we connect html and c++program together ? Yes. Using a newer technology called web assembly, you can write c, c++, or rust code such as functions that transpiles into a speedy language that the browser can use.

How do I combine HTML and CSS?

CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways: Inline - by using the style attribute inside HTML elements. Internal - by using a <style> element in the <head> section. External - by using a <link> element to link to an external CSS file.

Is HTML written in C?

It's not "written" in anything. It's a markup language. HTML is parsed by the browser which renders the webpage to display. It isn't a programming language.

Can I use C with HTML and CSS?

Yes, it is possible.

2 Answers

Let's start with improving your code.

  • Improvement step 1:

    @foreach(var myObj in Model.Select((model, index) => new { model, index })) {     <div class="class@(myObj.index % 2 == 0 ? "1" : "2")">         @Html.Partial("_Foo", myObj.model)     </div> } 
  • Improvement Step 2 (using a custom HTML helper for the class):

    @foreach(var myObj in Model.Select((model, index) => new { model, index })) {     <div class="@Html.MyClass(myObj.index)">         @Html.Partial("_Foo", myObj.model)     </div> } 

    where MyClass is defined like this:

    public static string MyClass(this HtmlHelper html, int index) {     return (index % 2 == 0) ? "class1" : "class2"; } 
  • Improvement step 3 which is the state of the art (using Templated Razor Delegates):

    @Model.List(     @<div class="@item.MyClass">         @Html.Partial("_Foo", @item.Model)     </div> ) 

    where the List extension method looks like this:

    public class ModelHolder<T> {     public T Model { get; set; }     public string MyClass { get; set; } }  public static class RazorExtensions {     public static HelperResult List<T>(         this IEnumerable<T> items,         Func<ModelHolder<T>, HelperResult> template     )     {         return new HelperResult(writer =>         {             foreach (var item in items.Select((model, index) => new { model, index }))             {                 var myClass = item.index % 2 == 0 ? "class1" : "class2";                 template(new ModelHolder<T> { Model = item.model, MyClass = myClass }).WriteTo(writer);             }         });     } } 

I vote for improvement number 3 which is far better and more concise than the original foreach loop.

like image 74
Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10

Darin Dimitrov

You need to prefix the lines with non-well-formed tags with @: to prevent Razor from trying to parse the tags.

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SLaks Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10
