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How to minify css files with RequireJS

I have a backbone project with several js files and a couple of css files

I'd like to have them minified to a single js and a single css

So far, I managed to concatenate and minify all my js file to a single main.min.js

Now I'm trying to do the same with the css files

this is my layout:

  optimize-node (script to run the optimizer)
    main.js (entry point of my app)

this is my script to minify it

# optimize-node
node ../../r.js -o baseUrl=. mainConfigFile=app/require-main.js

this is my require-main.js

/*globals require*/
'use strict';
// Set the require.js configuration file for your application

  // uncomment to create a single file with no optimization at all
  // optimize: 'none',
  baseUrl: 'js',

  // Initialize the application with the main application file
  deps : ['app/main'],

  preserveLicenseComments: false,

  out  : 'main.min.js',
  name : 'app/main',

  paths: {
    // Embed require in main.min
    'requireLib' : 'lib/require.min',

    // Libraries
    jquery       : 'lib/jquery-1.10.1',
    jqueryui     : 'lib/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom',
    moment       : 'lib/moment-2.0.0',
    datepicker   : 'lib/bootstrap-datepicker-1.0.1',

  include : ['requireLib'],
  shim: {
    lodash: {
      exports: '_'
    backbone: {
      deps    : ['lodash', 'jquery'],
      exports : 'Backbone'

with this configuration, when I run optimize-node, it all works prefectly fine, and a js/app/main.min.js file is generated

Now I'm trying to modify the configuration to generate this file and also a css/main.min.css file with the contents of css/*.css concatenated and minified

I tried replacing these lines

// single file optimization
out  : 'main.min.js',
name : 'app/main',

with this configuration to define two modules, one for the js and another for the css

// multiple file optimization
dir: '../../build',
appDir: '../',
modules: [
    name: 'app/main',
    include: ['app/main']

But it doesn't work as expected

My whole project is copied to ../../build, and each file is optimized

And I don't know how to add another module that would just pick the css files

Perhaphs I should create a require-css.js file that just takes care of css/*.css files

Can anybody help me with this? I think it should be a pretty common scenario

like image 682
opensas Avatar asked Jun 03 '13 16:06


People also ask

What does it mean to minify CSS?

Minifying a CSS file entails removing extraneous characters from the source code in order to minimise file size and speed up site loading. The minified version of a webpage is transmitted instead of the full version when a user requests it, resulting in faster response times and lower bandwidth costs.

How to minify CSS using NPM?

One option is to use an npm package for minifying CSS. If you already have npm installed on your machine, you can download the css-minify package with the command: … where filename is your file, ending with the extension .css. Or, minify all CSS files inside a directory with the command:

How to minify or compress JavaScript?

The steps to minify JavaScript are straightforward and may be done with any tool: Upload the source code file or paste your source code. Set the parameters for a particular output. To minify or compress the code, click the button. Copy the minified code output or download the minified code file once the procedure is finished.

How do I optimize RequireJS?

RequireJS has an optimization tool that does the following Combines related scripts together into build layers and minifies them via UglifyJS (the default) or Closure Compiler (an option when using Java). Optimizes CSS by inlining CSS files referenced by @import and removing comments.

Video Answer

2 Answers

There are some easy steps to follow:

  1. (method 1 Preferred) Create a style.css file by concatinating all your CSS files into one

    cat css/firstfile.css css/secondfile.css > style.css

    (method 2) Create a style.css file and @import all your other css's into this file.

    @import url("css/firstfile.css");

    @import url("css/secondfile.css");

  2. Create a build.js file as follows:

    ({ cssIn: './css/style.css', out: './css/style.min.css', optimizeCss: 'default' })

  3. Using require.js minify this file

    r.js -o build.js

  4. Modify your index.html to only include this minified style.min.css file

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.min.css">


The reason why method 1 is preferred is if you use import CSS files get imported as "link" and the browser still has to make separate calls to fetch them, but if you concat all the files it's one single css and it'll transfer and gzip better.

like image 196
Reza S Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09

Reza S

r.js doesn't work this way: (from the docs)

RequireJS has an optimization tool that does the following


Optimizes CSS by inlining CSS files referenced by @import and removing comments.

You'll have to create one "master" stylesheet which references individial CSS files via @import, there's no option for concatenation of *.css in a specified folder.

like image 35
kryger Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09
