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Alternate color dot over the letter i



I've been challenged with this rather silly idea.

So can I replace all "i" occurrences with Blabla[span class=superI]i[/span]rest : )

My idea is adding an extra (red) i "behind" the real i, and clipping the top off the real i.

Is this even possible ?

like image 690
T4NK3R Avatar asked Jan 21 '14 13:01


People also ask

How do I change the color of my UL bullet?

There are two ways to change the color of the bullet:Using an extra markup tag. Using Css style ::before selector.

1 Answers

Another solution http://jsbin.com/urOtixog/1/edit

This font-size can be changed.

@Fiskolin It is possible ... and quite easy.

<p>th<span class="i">i</span>s</p>


p {
  font-size: 165px;
.i {  
  color: red;
  position: relative;
.i:before {
  content: "ı";
  position: absolute; 
  color: black;
like image 72
rafaelcastrocouto Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11
