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HTML - Using same name for an ID and a Class [duplicate]




Is it O.K. to use the same name for a classname and an ID name? Is it a code smell?

<div class="wrapper" id="wrapper"></div>
like image 755
user2952265 Avatar asked Jan 14 '14 00:01


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2 Answers

Yes, it's valid to do it. It's not common to need to do it, though: it's a bit of a code smell. It may indicate you need to revisit your naming conventions.

To expand on the issue of naming conventions and semantics:

When you use an ID of wrapper, you're saying "This is the wrapper - the only one of its kind". When you use a class of wrapper you're saying "This is one of the wrappers, and there may be others like it". Saying both of those things at the same time is a bit weird, right?

I'd suggest that you use a specific ID: #primaryWrapper, #outerWrapper, etc. That means you're expressing 'primaryWrapper is one of the wrappers', which makes heaps more sense.

like image 137
Ben Hull Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

Ben Hull

Yes, it's totally valid and you can do it

Hopefully you know that
#ID must be unique-per-page, while
.CLASS can be assignet to more than one element.

If you incline to write clean and readable HTML markup, try always to keep your attributes at an understandable minimum.

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Roko C. Buljan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Roko C. Buljan