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how to merge two files consistently line by line







People also ask

What command is best for concatenating two files together?

The cat (short for “concatenate”) command is one of the most commonly used commands in Linux as well as other UNIX-like operating systems, used to concatenate files and print on the standard output.

Which command is used to merge files lines?

To merge lines of files, we use the paste command in the Linux system. The paste command is used to combine files horizontally by outputting lines consisting of the sequentially corresponding lines from each FILE, separated by TABs to the standard output.

What is the fastest way to merge text files?

Two quick options for combining text files.Open the two files you want to merge. Select all text (Command+A/Ctrl+A) from one document, then paste it into the new document (Command+V/Ctrl+V). Repeat steps for the second document. This will finish combining the text of both documents into one.

How do I join two files together?

Click the Select files button above, or drag and drop files into the drop zone. Select the files you want to merge using the Acrobat PDF combiner tool. Reorder the files if needed. Click Merge files.

You can use paste to format the files side by side:

$ paste -d" " file1.txt file2.txt
/etc/port1- /etc/port1-
/etc/port2- /etc/port2-
/etc/port3- /etc/port3-
/etc/port4- /etc/port4-
/etc/port5- /etc/port5-


$ paste -d" " file1.txt file2.txt | while read from to; do echo mv "${from}" "${to}"; done
mv /etc/port1- /etc/port1-
mv /etc/port2- /etc/port2-
mv /etc/port3- /etc/port3-
mv /etc/port4- /etc/port4-
mv /etc/port5- /etc/port5-

Of course you would want to throw in some safety checks ([ -f "${from}" ], ...).

Disclaimer: Works only if there are no spaces in your filenames.

This Perl one-liner will display the renames necessary

perl -e 'open $f[$_-1], "file$_.txt" for 1,2; print "rename @n\n" while chomp(@n = map ''.<$_>, @f)'

If this works for you then replace the print statement with a real rename and use

perl -e 'open $f[$_-1], "file$_.txt" for 1,2; rename @n while chomp(@n = map ''.<$_>, @f)'

to do the actual renaming

paste -d " " file1.txt file2.txt

Works great for this job. But in case you are handling text files in a Windows environment and make use of GNU paste, make sure to transform the files to Unix format (CR) and not use files with (CR-LF).

GNU paste does not seem to handle DOS formats properly and parsing is unpredictable, the expected output is erratic and unexpected without warnings.

You may use GVIM to transform them easily (Edit/File Settings/File Format)