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How to map a property as NOT a column in EF 4.1

I have a class:

public class classParty
    private int _arrivedCount;

    public int PartyID {get; private set;}
    public DateTime PartyDate {get; private set;}
    public int ArrivedCount
            return _arrivedCount;

            _arrivedCount = value;

I can map the PartyId and the PartyDate but I don't have a column for ArrivedCount (it's a moment in time count, it doesn't persist).

How do I tell EF 4.1 to stop looking for a column named "ArrivedCount"? It's not in the table. It's not going to be in the table. It's simply a property of the object and that's all.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Here's the Fluent API configuration for classParty.

public class PartyConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<classParty>
    public PartyConfiguration()
        : base()
        HasKey(p => p.PartyID);

        Property(p => p.PartyID)
        Property(p => p.PartyDate)

like image 614
Tom Padilla Avatar asked Dec 09 '11 14:12

Tom Padilla

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1 Answers

With data annotations:

public int ArrivedCount

Or using Fluent API:

    .Ignore(c => c.ArrivedCount);
like image 189
Slauma Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10
