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How to manage application state in Android (for the iPhone developer)

I recently launched my first iPhone app and it seems to have people in the Android community asking for it ... so I started developing w/ the SDK.

The first thing I noticed is that in my iPhone app I would store certain session wide variables in the appDelegate. As I don't have this structure in Android I'm curious how Android developers keep track of application state across the app (hopefully w/out a ton of singleton objects?)

If the singleton object approach is how most developers do this - how can I ensure the application starts at a clean state each time the user clicks the "home" button and re-clicks icon (is there something I can add to my manifest to ensure it doesn't support multitasking in this way?)

My app has a lot of session specific state and for the first iteration won't yet support multitasking :(

like image 692
JimmyBond Avatar asked May 06 '11 18:05


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1 Answers

First, android app can consist of multiple Activities.

If you want to share state between Activities use Application class: How to declare global variables in Android?

If you only have one Activity, then you can save state there.

Beware: when activity is not Active (it's GUI not showing) it does not mean that it is killed. So if you use your app and then close it, open another app, then go back to you app, it might be still "alive" (kept in memory) and the state would be preserved.

The best way to handle this is to hook into Activity lifecycle. Then you can set/reset data at will.

like image 138
Peter Knego Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Peter Knego