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How to make whatsapp type of animation for opening the menu from toolbar(actionbar)


  1. I recently updated whatsapp and noticed the animation for menu item clicked on toolbar. How to achieve this effect?
  2. Are there any opensource projects to achieve this?
  3. I have not posted any code because. I have no clue how they are doing it.

Snapshot-1 : Before clicking the attachment button in menu img

Snapshot-2 : After clicking the attachment button in menu


How to Achieve this?

like image 958
Devrath Avatar asked May 15 '15 05:05


2 Answers

Seems like they "ported" lollipop animation in pre-L devices. The simplest way to do this is using libraries like Igvalle's Material-Animation (see #4). Its minSdk is 16, but I hope you can decrease it for 14 or below.

Some other libraries: TransitionsBackport, PreLollipopTransition, transitions-everywhere.

Please let me know if you create this animation!

like image 77
anil Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


This is a link to webpage which shows how to implement it . Hope it helps http://blog.grafixartist.com/circular-reveal-effect-like-whatsapp-in-android/ .

like image 40
mik dass Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

mik dass