How can I make vim's :global
command ask the user if they want to execute the ex command? Similar to what happens with the :substite
command with the 'c' option, for example %s:Foo:Fighters:gc
I tried:
but if there is a match on below line it is jumped. For example:
The result is:
MATCH <<-- this should be erased.
A promptable g/FOO/d
would be perfect.
There is no native way to do this. The typical method would be to record a macro and repeat a macro. Making sure you n
or /
at the end of the macro to advance to the next match. Skipping is now simply n
and @@
to execute the macro.
commandHowever if you truly want to have :global
command with a confirm you can sort of mimic this by using confirm()
inside the your command. The general idea is to do something like this:
:g/pat/if confirm("&yes\n&no", 2) == 1 | cmd | endif
This doesn't quite work for the following reasons:
and :redraw
I have come up with the following confirming :Global
command! -nargs=+ -range=% -complete=command Global <line1>,<line2>call <SID>global_confirm(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=+ -range=% -complete=command G <line1>,<line2>call <SID>global_confirm(<q-args>)
function! s:global_confirm(args) range
let args = a:args
let sep = args[0]
let [pat, cmd; _] = split(args[1:], '\v([^\\](\\\\)*\\)@<!%d' . char2nr(sep), 1) + ['', '']
match none
let options = ['throw "Global: Abort"', cmd, '', 'throw "Global: Abort"']
let cmd = 'exe ''match IncSearch /\c\%''.line(''.'').''l''.@/.''/'''
let cmd .= '| redraw'
let cmd .= '| exe get(options, confirm("Execute?", "&yes\n&no\n&abort", 2))'
execute a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 'g'.sep.pat.sep.cmd
catch /Global: Abort/
match none
Note: Use as-is. Uses IncSearch
for highlight and forces \c
Now you can run :G/foo/d
commandIf you rather use a similar technique to the one @Randy Morris provided and use the following :Confirm {cmd}
command to confirm {cmd}
before execution.
command! -nargs=+ -complete=command Confirm execute <SID>confirm(<q-args>) | match none
function! s:confirm(cmd)
let abort = 'match none | throw "Confirm: Abort"'
let options = [abort, a:cmd, '', abort]
match none
execute 'match IncSearch /\c\%' . line('.') . 'l' . @/ . '/'
return get(options, confirm('Execute?', "&yes\n&no\n&abort", 2), abort)
This will allow you to use :g/foo/Confirm d
For more help see:
:h @
:h q
:h confirm()
:h :exe
:h get()
:h :match
:h :redraw
As far as I know there is no way to do this natively. I think I've hacked together a way to do this but it's probably buggy as I haven't written vimscript in a long time. In this I've defined a command C
which accepts an ex command as its arguments. Each line returned via :global
is then passed to this ex command if you press y or Y. Any other key causes this line to be skipped.
let s:GlobalConfirmSignNumber = 42
sign define GlobalConfirmMarker text=>> texthl=Search
function GlobalConfirm(cmd)
let line = getpos(".")[1]
execute "sign place " . s:GlobalConfirmSignNumber . " line=" . line . " name=GlobalConfirmMarker file=" . expand("%:p")
echomsg "Execute? (y/N) "
let char = nr2char(getchar())
if (char == "y" || char == "Y")
execute a:cmd
" Ensure signs are cleaned up if execution is aborted.
execute "sign unplace " . s:GlobalConfirmSignNumber
command -nargs=* C call GlobalConfirm(<q-args>)
Here's a gif of it in action. In this gif I'm running the command norm! gUU
for every line which contains ba
. In this case I confirmed every match by pressing y three times.
If anyone can make improvements to this (especially the signs bit) please edit at will.
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