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How to make vector-type-value to pinned memory in cuda



I have questions about making pinned memory.

Now I'm using CUDA to deal with great size of data.

To reduce run-time, I figure out it is necessary to make memory-copy and kernel-launch overlapped.

After searching some texts and web pages, to overlapping memory-copy and kernel-launch, I notice it is necessary to allocate host memory by using cudaMallocHost which will allocates host-memory to pinned memory.
In the case of using integer or array type on host, it was easy to make pinned memory.

Just like this...

cudaStream_t* streams = (cudaStream_t*)malloc(MAX_num_stream * sizeof(cudaStream_t));
for(i=0; i<MAX_num_stream; i++)

cudaMallocHost(&departure, its_size);

for(n=1; ... ; n++){
   cudaMemcpyAsync( ... streams[n]);
   kernel <<< ... , ... , ... , streams[n] >>> (...);

But in my case, my host departure memory is set by vertor type.

And I can't find anywhere the way to turn vector-type-host-memory into pinned memory by using cudaMallocHost.

Help me or give some advice to solve this problem. Thanks you for reading my poor English. Thanks.

like image 714
Umbrella Avatar asked Sep 17 '12 05:09


1 Answers

Directly, you can't allocate memory for anything other POD types using cudaMallocHost.

If you really need a std::vector which uses pinned memory, you will have to implement your own model of std::allocator which calls cudaMallocHost internally and instantiate your std::vector using that custom allocator.

Alternatively, the thrust template library (which ships in recent releases of CUDA toolkit) includes an experimental pinned memory allocator which you could use with thrusts own vector class, which is iteself a model of std::vector.

like image 158
talonmies Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
