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How to make TextInputLayout hint asterisk red for required fields

Is it possible to make just the asterisk in the hint red when using a TextInputLayout from the design support library? I have seen information on styling the entire hint, but this is a little more complex since only the * should be red, not the whole message.

The Material Design example shows this, but the design library doesn't seem to have any option to style it this way using a TextInputLayout and EditText.

Reference: https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/text-fields.html#text-fields-required-fields

Example (the top, with focus, has the red asterisk; the bottom without focus does not have a red asterisk):

Example of hint text with red asterisk

I looked into setting the hint to a SpannableString (see here How to get a red asterisk in a <string> entry) in an OnFocusChangeListener (see here Having the mandatory symbol to the edit text (red color asterisk) which is inside the textinputlayout), but the hint is a CharSequence.

Is there any way to do this without extending TextInputLayout?

like image 298
ProjectJourneyman Avatar asked Mar 04 '16 14:03


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To set a different gravity for the EditText , don't set any gravity attributes in the layout, then set the EditText 's gravity programmatically, in your code. That is, after setContentView() , use findViewById() to get the EditText , then call setGravity(Gravity. CENTER_HORIZONTAL) on it.

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2 Answers

Material Design specify an asterisk for the required fields that is part of the hint text, and of the same color (not in red like you showed in your question).

In Kotlin this is really simple:

1.Define this extension method:

fun TextInputLayout.markRequired() {     hint = "$hint *" } 

2.Use it:


If you still want the asterisk red, despite being discouraged by Material Design guidelines, you can use AndroidX Core KTX that way:

fun TextInputLayout.markRequiredInRed() {     hint = buildSpannedString {         append(hint)         color(Color.RED) { append(" *") } // Mind the space prefix.     } } 
like image 196
Louis CAD Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Louis CAD

You can use the Material Components Library.
Starting from the 1.2.0-alpha05 you can format the hint text.

For example you can just use something like:

<com.google.android.material.textfield.TextInputLayout     android:hint="@string/hint_test"     ...> 


<string name="hint_test">Legal name <font color='#FF0000'>*</font></string> 

enter image description hereenter image description here

like image 28
Gabriele Mariotti Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Gabriele Mariotti