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How to make text processing in a pandas df column more faster for large textual data?

I have a large text file over 1GB of chat data (chat.txt) in the following format:

tom|12-02-1999|hey#,john$,hows#, it#, goin#
john|12-02-2000|well#,its#,been#,nice#,catching#,up#,with#,you#,and#, mary$

I want to process this text and summarize the word counts for certain keywords(say 500 words - hello, nice, like.... dinner, no) for each users separately. This process also involves removing all trailing special characters from each word

The output would look like

user   hello   nice   like    .....    dinner  No  
Tom    10000   500     300    .....    6000    0
John   6000    1200    200    .....    3000    5
Mary   23      9000    10000  .....    100     9000 

This is my current pythonic solution:

chat_data = pd.read_csv("chat.txt", sep="|", names =["user","date","words"])
user_lst = chat_data.user.unique()
user_grouped_data= pd.DataFrame(columns=["user","words"])

for i,row in user_grouped_data.iterrows():
    id = row["user"]
    temp = chat_data[chat_data["user"]==id]
    user_grouped_data.loc[i,"words"] = ",".join(temp["words"].tolist())

result = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ "user", "hello", "nice", "like","...500 other keywords...", "dinner", "no"])
result["user"]= user_lst

for i, row in result.iterrows():
    id = row["user"]
    temp = user_grouped_data[user_grouped_data["user"]==id]
    words =  temp.values.tolist()[0][1]
    word_lst = words.split(",")
    word_lst = [item[0:-1] for item in word_lst]
    t_dict = Counter(word_lst)
    keys = t_dict.keys()
    for word in keys:
        result.at[i,word]= t_dict.get(word)


This works fine for small data, but when my chat_data becomes over 1gb, this solution becomes very slow and unusable.

Is there any part from below that I can improve upon which would help me process the data more faster?

  • grouping textual data by user
  • cleaning textual data in each row by removing trailing special characters
  • counting words and assigning the word count to the right column
like image 863
TheLastCoder Avatar asked Oct 11 '20 05:10


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Video Answer

1 Answers

You can split the comma-separated column to a list, explode to a dataframe by that column of lists, groupby name and the values from the exploded list, unstack or pivot_table the dataframe into your desired format and do some final cleaning on the multi-index columns with droplevel(), reset_index(), etc.

All of the below is vectorized pandas methods, so hopefully it is quick. Note: The three columns are [0,1,2] in the code below as I read from clipboard and passed headers=None


df = pd.DataFrame({0: {0: 'john', 1: 'tom', 2: 'mary', 3: 'john', 4: 'mary'},
 1: {0: '12-02-1999',
  1: '12-02-1999',
  2: '12-03-1999',
  3: '12-02-2000',
  4: '12-03-2000'},
 2: {0: 'hello#,there#,how#,are#,you#,tom$ ',
  1: 'hey#,john$,hows#, it#, goin#',
  2: "hello#,boys#,fancy#,meetin#,ya'll#,here#",
  3: 'well#,its#,been#,nice#,catching#,up#,with#,you#,and#, mary$',
  4: 'catch#,you#,on#,the#,flipside#,tom$,and#,john$'}})


df[2] = df[2].replace(['\#', '\$'],'', regex=True).str.split(',')
df = (df.explode(2)
      .groupby([0, 2])[2].count()
df.columns = df.columns.droplevel()
df = df.reset_index()
2     0   goin   it   mary  and  are  been  boys  catch  catching  ...   on  \
0  john    0.0  0.0    1.0  1.0  1.0   1.0   0.0    0.0       1.0  ...  0.0   
1  mary    0.0  0.0    0.0  1.0  0.0   0.0   1.0    1.0       0.0  ...  1.0   
2   tom    1.0  1.0    0.0  0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0    0.0       0.0  ...  0.0   

2  the  there  tom  tom    up  well  with  ya'll  you  
0  0.0    1.0  0.0   1.0  1.0   1.0   1.0    0.0  2.0  
1  1.0    0.0  1.0   0.0  0.0   0.0   0.0    1.0  1.0  

You could also use .pivot_table instead of .unstack(), which saves you this line of code: df.columns = df.columns.droplevel():

df[2] = df[2].replace(['\#', '\$'],'', regex=True).str.split(',')
df = (df.explode(2)
      .groupby([0, 2])[2].count()
      .pivot_table(index=0, columns=2, values='Count')
2     0   goin   it   mary  and  are  been  boys  catch  catching  ...  on  \
0  john      0    0      1    1    1     1     0      0         1  ...   0   
1  mary      0    0      0    1    0     0     1      1         0  ...   1   
2   tom      1    1      0    0    0     0     0      0         0  ...   0   

2  the  there  tom  tom   up  well  with  ya'll  you  
0    0      1    0     1   1     1     1      0    2  
1    1      0    1     0   0     0     0      1    1  
2    0      0    0     0   0     0     0      0    0  

[3 rows x 31 columns]
like image 154
David Erickson Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10

David Erickson