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Find the substring avoiding the use of recursive function

I am studying algorithms in Python and solving a question that is:

Let x(k) be a recursively defined string with base case x(1) = "123" and x(k) is "1" + x(k-1) + "2" + x(k-1) + "3". Given three positive integers k,s, and t, find the substring x(k)[s:t].

For example, if k = 2, s = 1 and t = 5,x(2) = 112321233 and x(2)[1:5] = 1232.

I have solved it using a simple recursive function:

   def generate_string(k):
        if k == 1:
            return "123"
        part = generate_string(k -1)
        return ("1" + part  + "2" + part + "3")

Although my first approach gives correct answer, the problem is that it takes too long to build string x when k is greater than 20. The program need to be finished within 16 seconds while k is below 50. I have tried to use memoization but it does not help as I am not allowed to cache each test case. I thus think that I must avoid using recursive function to speed up the program. Is there any approaches I should consider?

like image 431
TFC Avatar asked Jun 20 '20 14:06


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One way to break out of a recursive function in Python is to throw an exception and catch that at the top level. Some people will say that this is not the right way to think about recursion, but it gets the job done.

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A first way to escape recursion is to evaluate everything then return 0 when the input list is empty. A second way to escape recursion is to evaluate everything but the last element, then either return the last thing or do something to the last thing and then return the result of that last function.

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Show activity on this post. When you found the solution just return it, and use sys. exit(0) right in next line, it would stop further recursive calls and gets you out immediately.

2 Answers

We can see that the string represented by x(k) grows exponentially in length with increasing k:

len(x(1)) == 3
len(x(k)) == len(x(k-1)) * 2 + 3


len(x(k)) == 3 * (2**k - 1)

For k equal to 100, this amounts to a length of more than 1030. That's more characters than there are atoms in a human body!

Since the parameters s and t will take (in comparison) a tiny, tiny slice of that, you should not need to produce the whole string. You can still use recursion though, but keep passing an s and t range to each call. Then when you see that this slice will actually be outside of the string you would generate, then you can just exit without recursing deeper, saving a lot of time and (string) space.

Here is how you could do it:

def getslice(k, s, t):
    def recur(xsize, s, t):
        if xsize == 0 or s >= xsize or t <= 0:
            return ""
        smaller = (xsize - 3) // 2
        return ( ("1" if s <= 0 else "")
               + recur(smaller, s-1, t-1)
               + ("2" if s <= smaller+1 < t else "")
               + recur(smaller, s-smaller-2, t-smaller-2)
               + ("3" if t >= xsize else "") )
    return recur(3 * (2**k - 1), s, t)

This doesn't use any caching of x(k) results... In my tests this was fast enough.

like image 84
trincot Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 18:11


Based on @FMc's answer, here's some python3 code that calculates x(k, s, t):

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import *

def f_len(k) -> int:
    return 3 * ((2 ** k) - 1)

def f(k) -> str:
    if k == 1:
        return "123"
    return "1" + f(k - 1) + "2" + f(k - 1) + "3"

def substring_(k, s, t, output) -> None:
    # Empty substring.
    if s >= t or k == 0:

    # (An optimization):
    # If all the characters need to be included, just calculate the string and cache it.
    if s == 0 and t == f_len(k):

    if s == 0:

    sub_len = f_len(k - 1)
    substring_(k - 1, max(0, s - 1), min(sub_len, t - 1), output)

    if s <= 1 + sub_len < t:

    substring_(k - 1, max(0, s - sub_len - 2), min(sub_len, t - sub_len - 2), output)

    if s <= 2 * (1 + sub_len) < t:

def substring(k, s, t) -> str:
    output: List[str] = []
    substring_(k, s, t, output)
    return "".join(output)

def test(k, s, t) -> bool:
    actual = substring(k, s, t)
    expected = f(k)[s:t]
    return actual == expected

assert test(1, 0, 3)
assert test(2, 2, 6)
assert test(2, 1, 5)
assert test(2, 0, f_len(2))
assert test(3, 0, f_len(3))
assert test(8, 44, 89)
assert test(10, 1001, 2022)
assert test(14, 12345, 45678)
assert test(17, 12345, 112345)
# print(substring(30, 10000, 10100))
print("Tests passed")

like image 22
nullptr Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 18:11
