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How to make rake db:migrate generate schema.rb when using :sql schema format

If using the this option in config/application.rb:

config.active_record.schema_format = :sql

then when you do:

rake db:migrate

it only dumps the db/structure.sql. I know it isn't using the db/schema.rb since it is using the :sql option, but how can you make rake db:migrate generate db/schema.rb also?

We need that because RubyMine 4.5 and IntelliJ IDea 11 use db/schema.rb for autocompletion of columns.

like image 774
Gary S. Weaver Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 14:11

Gary S. Weaver

People also ask

How do you regenerate a schema rb?

If you run a rake -T it will list all possible rake tasks for your Rails project. One of them is db:schema:dump which will recreate the schema.

How does rake db migrate work?

A migration means that you move from the current version to a newer version (as is said in the first answer). Using rake db:migrate you can apply any new changes to your schema. But if you want to rollback to a previous migration you can use rake db:rollback to nullify your new changes if they are incorrectly defined.

What is schema rb?

The schema. rb serves mainly two purposes: It documents the final current state of the database schema. Often, especially when you have more than a couple of migrations, it's hard to deduce the schema just from the migrations alone. With a present schema.

What is are the default column columns that rails will generate while migrating?

By default, the generated migration will include t. timestamps (which creates the updated_at and created_at columns that are automatically populated by Active Record).

1 Answers

To generate/update db/schema.rb even if using the :sql option, you can put this in your Rakefile:

Rake::Task["db:migrate"].enhance do
  if ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :sql

That should be fine for IDea and RubyMine.

For others that just want the file for reference, you might want to rename it to something else like db/schema.rb.backup so it won't be confusing. To do that:

Rake::Task["db:migrate"].enhance do
  if ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :sql
    File.rename(File.expand_path('../db/schema.rb', __FILE__), File.expand_path('../db/schema.rb.backup', __FILE__))

(Note: Using ../ in paths in Rakefile because __FILE__ evaluates to a path that ends in /Rakefile.)

like image 142
Gary S. Weaver Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Gary S. Weaver