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How to make QComboBox popup upwards?

my QComboBox-derived class lives in a QGraphicsScene at the bottom end of the (visible) screen - but it pops up downwards, thus out of view.

(How) is it possible to force the popup to open above the widget?

I've tried re-implementing showPopup like this:

void MyComboBox::showPopup()
     QAbstractItemView *popupView = view();

The result is, that the content seems to be shifted, but not the underlying popup object. I think it might be possible to find a solution with styles as indicated in this article, but I can't find any Styles control that might be helpful here. I am rather new to C++ as well as Qt, so I might be missing something obvious.

I'd appreciate any help on this matter!

Best regards,


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user1319422 Avatar asked Apr 07 '12 18:04


1 Answers

With the information found here, I was able to get it done this way:

void SteuerQComboBox::showPopup() {
    QWidget *popup = this->findChild<QFrame*>(); 

Note that it's crucially important to call the base classes "showPopup" first.

Thanks to everybody who was reading my question and thinking about it!

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user1319422 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
