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Passing a Javascript callback to a C++ Invoked method in Qml

In C++ I have a class with an invokable function, what I would like to do is call that method from QML/Javascript (this I've gotten to work) and pass it a Javascript callback.

In code, I define my class like:

class MyObject: public QObject


    Q_INVOKABLE void doSomething(quint64 x, /* what goes here? */ jsCallback)
        x += 1;

        // I suspect this will require a invocation mechanism but 
        // this shows what I'd like to do

And in my QML, I would like to do something like:

Rectangle {

    function myCallback(x){
        console.log("x=" + x);

        anchors.fill: parent
            myObject.doSomething(2, myCallback);

So that when I click on the Rectangle, I would see x=3 in the console. How would I define the parameter in C++ and invoke the callback in order to accomplish this?

Thank you!

like image 325
Addy Avatar asked Jul 24 '15 19:07


1 Answers

I think I've figured this out. What I ended up doing was implementing this in my C++ class like such:

class MyObject: public QObject


    Q_INVOKABLE void doSomething(quint64 x, QJSValue jsCallback)
        x += 1;

        QJSValue val = jsCallback.engine()->newObject();
        val.setProperty("x", x);

        jsCallback.call(QJSValueList { val });

And then I can access the value in my callback like:

function myCallback(x){
    console.log("x=" + x.x);
like image 198
Addy Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 11:10
