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How to make Puppeteer work with a ReactJS application on the client-side

I am fairly new to React and I am developing an app which will take actual screenshots of a web page and the app can draw and add doodles on top of the screenshot taken. I initially used html2canvas and domToImage to take client-side screenshots but it doesn't render the image exactly as it is shown in the web page.

Reddit user /pamblam0 suggested I look into Google's Puppeteer. How it works is that it launches a headless chromium browser which goes to my react app on localhost then gets a screenshot of that whole page easily. My problem however, is that puppeteer doesn't play nice inside a react app. It gives me a ws error which, as explained on a google search can be fixed by simply installing ws (which doesn't work by the way).

What happens now my puppeteer script works out my react app. From what I understand it doesn't work with client side app (I might be wrong). What I want to happen is that whenever I click the button from my react app, puppeteer should execute and return a base64 string which will then be passed to a component in my react app.

Here is what I've done so far.


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

const takeScreenshot = async () => {
    puppeteer.launch().then(async browser => {
        const page = await browser.newPage();
        const options = {
            path: 'saved_images/webshot.png',
            encoding: 'base64'
        await page.goto('http://localhost:3000/', { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' });
        const elem = await page.$('iframe').then(async (iframe) => {
            return await iframe.screenshot(options)

        await browser.close()


Code from react app. App.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ScreenshotsContainer from './containers/ScreenshotsContainer/ScreenshotsContainer'
import ImageContainer from './containers/ImageContainer/ImageContainer';
import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';
import domtoimage from 'dom-to-image';
import Button from './components/UI/Button/Button'
import classes from './App.module.css';
import { CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group'
import { ToastContainer, toast } from 'react-toastify';
import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';

class App extends Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      imgURIArray: [],
      img: null,
      showImageContainer: false,
      showScreenshotContainer: false,
      selectedImageURI: null,
      showSaveAnimation: false,
      showNotify: false

  storeImageToArrayHandler = (imgURI) => {
    if (imgURI !== "") {
      this.setState({ imgURIArray: [...this.state.imgURIArray, imgURI] }, () => {
        this.setState({ showImageContainer: !this.state.showImageContainer })

  getScreenshotHandler = () => {
   //use puppeteer here!!!

  getSelectedImageFromContainerHandler(selectedImageURI) {
      selectedImageURI: selectedImageURI,
      showImageContainer: !this.state.showImageContainer


  showImageContainerHandler(showImageContainer) {
    this.setState({ showImageContainer: showImageContainer })

  showScreenshotContainerHandler = () => {
    this.setState({ showScreenshotContainer: !this.state.showScreenshotContainer })
  notify = (submitSuccessful, msg) => {
    let message = msg ? msg : ""
    submitSuccessful ?
      toast.success(message, {
        autoClose: 3000,
        position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER
      toast.error(message, {
        position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER

  render() {
    let buttonOps = (
        <div className={classes.optionButtons}>
          <Button icon={"fas fa-camera"} type={"button-success"} gridClass={""} buttonName={""} style={{ width: "100%", height: "70px" }} onClick={() => this.getScreenshotHandler} />
          <Button icon={"fas fa-images"} type={"button-primary "} gridClass={""} buttonName={""} style={{ width: "100%", height: "70px" }} onClick={() => this.showScreenshotContainerHandler} />

    return (
          this.state.showImageContainer ?
                showImageContainer={showImageContainer => this.showImageContainerHandler(showImageContainer)}
                storeImageToArrayHandler={imgURI => this.storeImageToArrayHandler(imgURI)}
                notify={(submitSuccessful, msg) => this.notify(submitSuccessful, msg)}
            : null
          onExited={() => {
            this.setState({ showScreenshotContainer: false })
            getSelectedImageFromContainerHandler={imgURI => this.getSelectedImageFromContainerHandler(imgURI)}
            showScreenshotContainerHandler={() => this.showScreenshotContainerHandler}
            notify={(submitSuccessful, msg) => this.notify(submitSuccessful, msg)}

        {this.state.showImageContainer ? null : buttonOps}
        {/* <button onClick={this.notify}>Notify !</button> */}
        <ToastContainer />

      </div >

export default App;

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

like image 506
NoobNewb Avatar asked Mar 06 '19 20:03


People also ask

Can I run puppeteer on client-side?

Your React. js application runs on the client-side (in the browser). Puppeteer cannot run inside that environment as you cannot start a full browser inside the browser.

Can we use puppeteer in React JS?

Puppeteer allows you to target elements on a page using selectors (this could be a CSS class or an id ) and then test for different cases. To run the end-to-end test, we'll use react-scripts , which has Jest installed internally.

Does Reactjs render on client-side and server side?

By default, your React app will be client-side rendered. This means basically, all of the source code will live in JavaScript files referenced in a single HTML file that initializes your app.

What is puppeteer JS?

Puppeteer is a Node. js library maintained by Chrome's development team from Google. Puppeteer provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium or interact with the DevTools protocol.

1 Answers

Your React.js application runs on the client-side (in the browser). Puppeteer cannot run inside that environment as you cannot start a full browser inside the browser.

What you need is a server which does that for you. You could ether offer a HTTP endpoint (option 1) or expose your puppeteer Websocket (option 2):

Option 1: Provide a HTTP endpoint

For this option, you setup a server which handles the incoming request and runs the task (making a screenshot) for you:


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const express = require('express');

const app = express();

app.get('/screenshot', async (req, res) => {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto(req.query.url); // URL is given by the "user" (your client-side application)
    const screenshotBuffer = await page.screenshot();

    // Respond with the image
    res.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Type': 'image/png',
        'Content-Length': screenshotBuffer.length

    await browser.close();


Start the application with node server.js and you can now pass the URL to your server and get a screenshot back from your server: http://localhost:4000/screenshot?url=https://example.com/

The response from the server could then be used as as the source of an image element in your application.

Option 2: Exposing the puppeteer Websocket to the client

You could also control the browser (which runs on the server) from the client-side by by exposing the Websocket.

For that you need to expose the Websocket of your server like this:


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const browserWSEndpoint = browser.wsEndpoint();
    browser.disconnect(); // Disconnect from the browser, but don't close it
    console.log(browserWSEndpoint); // Communicate the Websocket URL to the client-side
    // example output: ws://

Now you can control the browser (running on the server) form the client-side with a puppeteer bundle for the client. In this scenario you could now connect to the browser via puppeteer.connect and make a screenshot that way.

I would strongly recommend using option 1, as in option 2 you are fully exposing your running browser to the client. Even with option 1, you still need to handle user input validation, timeouts, navigation errors, etc.

like image 94
Thomas Dondorf Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10

Thomas Dondorf